Friday, January 30, 2009

Day Thirty - Coffee Club @ 7:00 PM

If you would like to grow deeper in your walk with God. Let me invite you to this evenings (Friday Jan. 30th) coffee club bible study 7:00PM at Borders Bookstore located across from the Strongsville Mall on Route 82. Bring with you a bible, pen notebook, journal. It will be a great opportunity to grow meaningful relationships and go deeper into Gods Word. Hope to see you there.


Russ De Bord Lead Pastor of Sunset Chapel said...

It was another awesome time together in Gods Word! It is obvious that you have a hunger to go deeper into Gods Word. Lord help us as we become more like you!

Unknown said...

Pastor Russ, I cannot imagine not having you and Shari around because of times like these. I had an extraordinary time and realize with each passing day how thirsty my soul has truly been all of these years. The two of you have been such wonderful examples to Edgar and I and I thank God continually for leading us to meet you. We have learned so much from you in so little time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh and please don't stop holding these extra opportunities such as this "Coffee Club" to help people like me learn how to go deeper in God's Word and stregnthen my relationship with our Savior. God bless you all.