Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2

I've established some personal goals for myself on Day 2 of the New Year. Although it's not an exhaustive list here are some of my initial thoughts for 2009.

*I want to be completely given to Christ
*Become a better worshipper of Jesus
*Grow a more intimate relationship with Christ
*Experience the power and presence of God more in my life
*Remain truly grateful for the opportunities presented to me
*Preach and teach with strength and clarity
*Live out what I proclaim
*Engage people in ministry more
*Strengthen networking relationships with other successful pastors
*Stay connected more closely to my mentors and accountability partners
*Be a ton of fun to be around

Here's a great link to assist you in reading the Bible from cover to cover in 2009. It's called and it will help make the Bible a more meaningful part of your life. I chose the New Living Translation (NLT) for my personal Bible reading plan this year. It is simple to download and use. I downloaded it to my Blackberry in just a few short minutes and now I can keep up with my daily scripture readings anywhere I have some free moments.

Just a little while ago our leadership team met and went over the final plans for this weekends first Sunday of 2009! Be sure to start the year off right and make plans today to be with us with your entire family and invited guests! We believe that 2009 will be an transformational year for us at Bethel Temple. We look forward to God moving and renewing more lives than ever,seeing God draw more people to Him who are far away, seeing more marriages restored and more people set free from destructive addictions. Anticipation is building and I can hardly wait for Sunday to get here!!

Today I'm praying for...
* Roz Donaldson's mother who is recovering from another recent surgery
* Kim Hawkins complete healing from cancer
* May Soas as she recovers from surgery (Amir says they are hoping to attend services this Sunday..We've missed them!)
* Gardiner Trane and their HVAC technicians to be able to repair (2) units that serve our sanctuary that went down earlier this week before this Sundays service! Brrrr!!
*Benny and Shirley Cox as they prepare to lead us during our upcoming "Week of Prayer"
starting Monday Jan. 5th at 7 pm (don't they do a phenomenal job of heading up our prayer
ministry at Bethel Temple?!!!). See You There!!
*Vicky Gonzalez, Milton and Jenny Ntragatakis, Pastor Dale and Tracy Klaehn, Ashely Gerycz, Bill and Kim Hawkins, Robyn Burdett, Reggie Duke, all these wonderful folks called, emailed or texted me their New Years Wishes! I pray that they all get a double portion of God's Blessings in 2009!!!!
*For This Sundays message "The Word of the Lord for 2009" will be well recieved and embraced by all
*I'm praying that our first ever "Vision Seed Offering" is a tremendous success! This offering will start us toward our goals for 2009

Here's a question that you can give me some feedback on for my future use in upcoming Communion services. What does Communion mean to you? I would really like to hear from as many of you as possible to find out your personal thoughts concerning this very important ordinance of the church. How does taking the elements impact your life and spiritual walk with God? Please send me your comments to my email address at


Anonymous said...

So, you constantly leave me amazed and humbled. You just lay your heart out there and in doing so cause us to look at ourselves. How focused are we? How motivated our we? Are we constantly pursuing a deeper relationship with Christ? Do we grow more and more in love with Him each and every day, or are we complacently wallowing exactly where we've been for quite some time, with no desire to move forward? Thank you for constantly reminding us to look at our own lives, not only in word, but in action. You're an amazing example. I love you; I love your family. I am blessed to know you and blessed to sit under your leadership and ministry. You ROCK PR!!!! Thanks for your prayers...they mean a great deal.

Unknown said...

you are the best! thanks for all you do, you are amazing! I love you and your family very much, I pray for you always! I pray for a double portion for you as well!