Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday Splash!

Today's Sunday Splash is being written on Monday as I traveled after church yesterday to Tampa FL to spend a few day's with my side of the family! It's great to see my mother, Jeanne, sister's Theresa, Darla and brother Brad again! We had a great time just catching up! Mom and Brad flew down to FL to visit for Christmas and like most Hoosier's they were bumming the Indianapolis Colts loss yesterday!

Yesterday's service at Sunset Chapel was terrific! I thought I saw Johnny Cash in the service! Actually it was Pastor Kevin dressed in black!Pastor Kevin is a great communicator of God's Word. Thanks for preaching in such a way that God's plans and purposes for our lives are revealed. He motivated us to accept the challenge of stepping towards the uncertainties of the future firmly grasping God's hand! I wrote this statement he made at the top of my notes yesterday "As you reach up towards God, He reaches down to you. Reach up! He will not let you go!" God is prepared to do something great in your life and in our church! Let's step into 2010 with Him!!!

Our growth as a church will consistently be linked to friends inviting friends. But we must also find additional creative ways to let people in Miami know that we exist. Let's use every means possible (personal invitations, invite cards, website, facebook, email, etc.) to invite people to Sunset Chapel. Among our guests yesterday I was thrilled to met Lacy (who is in law school at UM) and Marcus (who has a dream of playing professional baseball in the big leagues), two twenty somethings who came with their parents yesterday to visit. I love when God brings new people to our church and He makes it possible to connect with them!

As we prepare to start a new year of ministry here in Miami we want Sunset Chapel to become a greater life-giving church. We exist to give people life in Jesus Christ. No matter who people are when they come through our doors, we as a ministry team desire God to move on their behalf and for them to find life in Christ by the time they walk back out into the parking lot.

When I arrived here six month's ago, I never could have imagined what an adventure it would be. I'm so thankful for the many people of Sunset Chapel, your faith, your generosity, your growth, and your willingness to allow me to be human (flaws and all). I get to pastor the most incredible church in Miami! Some might call me insane, but I really believe that 2010 is going to be a terrific year for us!

Just a couple of final thoughts, keep in mind that this Wednesdays Prayer Service is cancelled. Take the opportunity to create several more family moments and memories! We will resume our regular schedule on Wednesday, January 6, 2010.

Also keep in mind that all contributions must be in our office by 5:00 PM Thursday, December 31, 2009 to receive contribution credit for 2009. Any funds received after this deadline will be credited in 2010. This will enable us to close our books and get contribution statements to you in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please call Frances Watkins at 305-271-4094 ext. 102. Thank you for supporting the ministries of Sunset Chapel!!

A growing number of people at Sunset Chapel are also taking advantage of online giving. In a day and time when checks are becoming more and more obsolete and many are taking advantage of paying their bills's a great way to stay faithful in your giving. Simply click the link provided on the home page of our church website to get started. You can use this service to give online, manage recurring contributions, and see your giving history. It's safe, easy and secure. If you would like to be set up with recurring giving, email Frances Watkins at and she will get you everything you need.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Series..Divine Mentors

As I near the completion of almost 28 years of full-time ministry, I've spoken with numerous people who lament the foolish choices, countless heartaches, destructive habits and wrecked lives that have placed them squarely on the path of regret.

Many of my best lifetime friends are found in the Bible. Allow me for four weeks to introduce you to some of my closest ones. They are all remarkable individuals, who although they no longer walk on earth... still speak, still encourage and still instruct.

We will examine the lives and experiences of Enoch, whose life of excellence we should all strive to model. Samson, a remarkable man whose rise and fall to disgrace is recorded in scripture so we can learn valuable insights. Joseph, the youth whose dreams came true! His commitment in the face of adversity offers us all hope. Then we will look at Nehemiah whose story merits a closer look. His "Call to The Wall" will be an encouragement to each of us to rebuild and strengthen the walls of decency, morality and righteous living.

Together we will highlight their raw unedited stories. The Bible records it all, their good parts as well as the bad. Why are their stories and those of numerous others found in the scriptures? They are recorded for our instruction so we don't reproduce the same mistakes and we can gain some much needed insight and wisdom from them.

The "Divine Mentors" we will focus upon together will assist you in keeping your faith in balance, your walk with God fresh, you'll learn to avoid huge mistakes and save yourself from hurtful consequences. As we exhale these excellent lessons I am convinced we will personally receive spiritual strength, direction and hope so that whenever we face life's most difficult and frightening challenges we will be able to come out on top! Come join us on this journey at Sunset Chapel beginning Sunday January 10, 2010.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

During your Christmas Day celebrations Shari and I hope that you are able to discover new ways to capture memories, celebrate family traditions and show your loved ones how much they matter to you! We are delighted to have our son Randall home with us, but greatly miss Calvin during this holiday season.

We are also grateful for the gift of friendship that so many have extended to us! We sense the love and kindness of so many who surround our lives at this time. They have been willing to invest, invite and sacrifice to make renewal possible at Sunset Chapel. We have come to realize that friendship is way more valuable in this life than stuff or things, because Christ uses people to carry out His plans and purposes. There is no way we could have accomplished anything without their contributions, involvement and support. They are all closely linked to the spiritual transformation that is taking place at Sunset Chapel.

This is an incredibly thrilling time for Sunset Chapel and I am so excited at how God has rallied all of us together as we further advance His vision throughout Miami! The opportunities we have as a church in front of us are unprecedented. What we have seen in just six months so far is just a taste. God sees our city brimming with possibility! He loves to birth new dreams, fresh vision, and greater hope for what's ahead for His Church!

The fact that 2009 is almost complete is absolutely insane! Time has just flown by since our move to Miami in June. I can't wait to see all the lives that will be impacted by SC in 2010! Our family loves you all, we are praying for you constantly, and we are deeply humbled to lead such exceptional people!

We hope you are having an incredible Christmas Day with family and friends today!

Russ, Shari, Calvin, and Randall