Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here's a recap from our Tropical Storm Isaac weekend.

The fact that your reading this tells you that we survived Isaac! South Florida residents know what to expect when storms like this pass through our area. I appreciated all those who volunteered helpful hints as the DeBord house prepared for our first really big storm here in Miami! Thankfully Isaac didn't morph into a full blown hurricane for us ... yet he did create one unusual weekend for us at Sunset Chapel.

During the 3+ years since becoming the lead pastor we've never had to consider canceling a service during the hurricane season. Isaac gave me my biggest test yet, as we were planning an awesome conclusion to our "Base Path To Spiritual Growth" series! By 6:30 AM on Sunday morning after watching several weather reports and tracking what other pastors and churches were doing in our city. I made the decision to precede with our morning service.

Let me share with you what occurred!

Our attendance was low. But our worship team minus only three of their members did a fantastic job of ushering in the marvelous presence of the Lord! Margie Stark was nothing short of fearless as she lead our musicians and vocal team! Wow! They were magnificent!!

Before preaching we allotted time to listen to several testimonies from those who braved the elements to be in God's House for worship. It was so encouraging and uplifting to hear how God was working behind the scenes in so many lives! Everyones comments really set the tone for the remainder of our service together!

There were 10 children in our Kid's Church service and 3 infants in the Nursery, plus their volunteers who all showed in full strength! That was totally amazing! I just have to say our volunteers are simply the best!!

I preached the final message in our series "Base Path To Spiritual Growth" with an emphasis on getting "Involved." I communicated the message as if we were filled to the rafters, holding nothing back! The mission of the church is disciplemaking. God is calling all of us to get involved in reproducing ourselves!

After our service, we had enough members present to go ahead and conduct our Annual Business Meeting as previously announced and planned. After voting on a couple of By-Law changes, approving both Chapel and our Academy's financial reports, we then elected Carlos Rodriguez to serve a 3 year term on our church board. We welcome him to our leadership team! We also tipped our hats in appreciation to Oscar Fernandez for his productive time serving on the board as he prepared to step down upon the completion of his term. His heart for serving, constant support and consistent leadership abilities will be missed.

Over the course of the weekend several things became apparent. As our attendance slumped because of Isaac so did our finances. We received less than a third of what our normal tithe and offerings typically are. Of great concern is the short term impact this may have on our missions budget. Our missionaries count on our consistent support monthly as they endeavor to share the Good News around the globe. Unfortunately just because a tropical storm comes through it's impact doesn't mean that our bills are shuttered like our houses. They still show up.

If Isaac affected your plans to attend service this past weekend at Sunset Chapel would you consider two options for submitting your regular tithe and offerings to still honor God in this area? You can go to www.sunsetchapel.com and contribute online or just drop by the church office sometime in the coming days. It would help us finish the month of August without carrying over any indebtedness!

Finally, many family and ministry friends contacted us through their FB and Twitter messages offering their encouragement, concern and prayers for our safety as Isaac came and went. Your friendships are all deeply appreciated! Storms are inevitable in our region. Storms come in our lives too. God proves over and over again that He is with us every moment of every day!

Love our church and our city!

Pastor Russ

Monday, August 20, 2012


First day of Sunset Christian Academy is off to a great start!! So many excited students arriving on our campus this morning! More than one parent admitted to having a lump in their throat and shedding a tear or two!


Over eight weeks ago we launched an initiative called the "90 Day Tithing Challenge" and I wanted to update everyone on our progress. Since the start of this initiative there are now 44 individuals/families that have joined us in this challenge! As your pastor I'm extremely humbled and proud of the way so many of you have responded and stepped up! I know that several are sacrificing a lot so that people in our city will find hope!

You who have taken on this "90 Day Tithing Challenge" have hit the target on center and you're literally capturing the heartbeat of God to reach the thousands of unchurched people in our city. Together we are becoming a conduit and expression of God's love here in Miami.

I'm praying Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) over each of you and that God will blow you away! Our God is generous beyond our ability to imagine!

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

As we are faithful to be open-handed financially, God promises to continue pouring blessings into our lives in every way! Looking ahead, there will be many great opportunities for us to consider and take advantage of. If you haven't yet made the decision to join in on this "90 Day Tithing Challenge" then please prayerfully consider doing so... together we can accomplish much!

I'm not sure how I can thank you all enough for the trust and investments you are making into Sunset Chapel and our efforts to be a spiritual blessing to our city. You are the greatest givers I've ever known! You are invaluable to Sunset Chapel and to me!!

Pastor Russ

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I am looking forward to sharing another practical message this coming Sunday in our current "Base Path To Spiritual Growth" series! While preparing for this third message in our series I came across this statement in my notes...."We must keep in mind that the first step up in God's kingdom is a step down. The way to greatness always begins through the door marked "Servant's Entrance."

Ministry involvement begins with a heart for the things God is passionate about. It is only as we understand God's love for everyone and His desire that all should know and serve Him can we ask the questions: Where do I fit in? How can I help advance His Will and church? What should be a surprise to no one is the fact that God wants each of us to participate in His plan. He has instilled within each of us a distinct set of abilities, interests, and desires for specific purposes. We must remain alert to the ministry opportunities that come our way. They are the things that excite us and fire our imaginations the most! Often the things you've most wanted to do are the very things that God has planted in your hearts! I hope you'll join me this Sunday at Sunset Chapel and discover your place of ministry within His church!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New August Series

God has given every single one of us a special calling. God is going to challenge us in the next four weeks in a special way.  He doesn't want you to just be a spectator.  He is calling all of us to take the field and be involved in what He is doing in His Kingdom.  You can't experience victory if you never take the field.  We're going to be using the analogy of baseball.  The diamond model serves as a means of tracing the spiritual development of an individual.  
  • Week 1: Include 
  • Week 2: Instruct
  • Week 3: Involve
  • Week 4: Invest