Monday, August 20, 2012

Over eight weeks ago we launched an initiative called the "90 Day Tithing Challenge" and I wanted to update everyone on our progress. Since the start of this initiative there are now 44 individuals/families that have joined us in this challenge! As your pastor I'm extremely humbled and proud of the way so many of you have responded and stepped up! I know that several are sacrificing a lot so that people in our city will find hope!

You who have taken on this "90 Day Tithing Challenge" have hit the target on center and you're literally capturing the heartbeat of God to reach the thousands of unchurched people in our city. Together we are becoming a conduit and expression of God's love here in Miami.

I'm praying Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) over each of you and that God will blow you away! Our God is generous beyond our ability to imagine!

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

As we are faithful to be open-handed financially, God promises to continue pouring blessings into our lives in every way! Looking ahead, there will be many great opportunities for us to consider and take advantage of. If you haven't yet made the decision to join in on this "90 Day Tithing Challenge" then please prayerfully consider doing so... together we can accomplish much!

I'm not sure how I can thank you all enough for the trust and investments you are making into Sunset Chapel and our efforts to be a spiritual blessing to our city. You are the greatest givers I've ever known! You are invaluable to Sunset Chapel and to me!!

Pastor Russ

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