Friday, December 31, 2010

God has a specific dream, plan and purpose for your life! (Jer. 29:11-14) I don't know anyone who doesn't want the Father's favor upon his or her life.

Join us for the next five weeks as we peer closer at the the life of Joseph who faced numerous tests and trials before he experienced the full blessing of God's favor.

In the course of life we all can expect to encounter some tests and trials of our own. In fact we are going to be tested throughout our entire lives. Who is to blame for these problems and situations? All to often we point our fingers at others without recognizing our own responsibility. It's so easy to blame all our challenges and difficulties on other people.

But when we turn our hearts and lives over to God and He's allowed to get really deep inside of us . . . He exposes and deals with the real roots of our problems. Not only is He capable of performing the necessary heart surgery that needs to take place . . . He reorients our destiny!

You're going to be blessed during these five dynamic life-changing messages. Don't miss a single week!

Bring someone with you! Invite, email, phone, text, or tweet a friend to join you this Sunday at Sunset Chapel!

Get Ready for Dufflebag Sunday - Water Baptisms

Dufflebag Day...

Sunday, January 16th, is what we are calling “Dufflebag Sunday”. You’re invited to bring your Dufflebag or backpack with a change of clothes, and if your desire is to go public with your faith in Jesus Christ through baptism, we will baptize you in our 10:30 AM service! To participate in our first Water Baptisms of 2011, you can register on Sundays in the foyer, but you don't even have to sign up! You can just show up! We'll be ready for you!

Here's what you need to bring:

Your faith in Jesus as your Forgiver & Leader.

A dark T-Shirt and Shorts



Extra pair of underclothes!

ALL your family and friends!

2011 The BIG Slice of Life Connection Nite!

At SC our first goal is to always lead people to a personal relationship with Christ, but to continue growing in that relationship with God, we believe people need real Christian community. We create this community through what we call home "Life Groups". These groups are a combination of fellowship, fun Bible study and prayer, which we believe creates an atmosphere for real life change! Be sure to join us Sunday Jan 9th @ 6:00 PM to get connected to one!! See ya there!

Newcomers Gathering!

Recently, if you came to check-out Sunset Chapel during one of our Sunday worship experiences! To say thank you for being our guest, I want to personally invite you to come and have a free coffee drink and pastry of your choice on us!

Thursday night, January 6th, from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, my wife Shari and I will be at the Panera Bread 13672 N. Kendall Drive, Miami. We invite you to drop by and say hello and have a cup of coffee on us. If you would like to stay and visit we are available to answer any questions you may have about SC. This is our way of letting you know how much we appreciate you being our guest at Sunset Chapel.

If there is anything that we can do to help you please contact our office at 305-271-4094. I hope to see you this Thursday night!