Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

During your Christmas Day celebrations Shari and I hope that you are able to discover new ways to capture memories, celebrate family traditions and show your loved ones how much they matter to you! We are delighted to have our son Randall home with us, but greatly miss Calvin during this holiday season.

We are also grateful for the gift of friendship that so many have extended to us! We sense the love and kindness of so many who surround our lives at this time. They have been willing to invest, invite and sacrifice to make renewal possible at Sunset Chapel. We have come to realize that friendship is way more valuable in this life than stuff or things, because Christ uses people to carry out His plans and purposes. There is no way we could have accomplished anything without their contributions, involvement and support. They are all closely linked to the spiritual transformation that is taking place at Sunset Chapel.

This is an incredibly thrilling time for Sunset Chapel and I am so excited at how God has rallied all of us together as we further advance His vision throughout Miami! The opportunities we have as a church in front of us are unprecedented. What we have seen in just six months so far is just a taste. God sees our city brimming with possibility! He loves to birth new dreams, fresh vision, and greater hope for what's ahead for His Church!

The fact that 2009 is almost complete is absolutely insane! Time has just flown by since our move to Miami in June. I can't wait to see all the lives that will be impacted by SC in 2010! Our family loves you all, we are praying for you constantly, and we are deeply humbled to lead such exceptional people!

We hope you are having an incredible Christmas Day with family and friends today!

Russ, Shari, Calvin, and Randall

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