Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Spent an incredible time last night with the Sunset Chapel Board/Staff and their spouses at our annual Christmas Gathering! Special thanks to owner Tommaso Penza and his staff at Two Brothers Italian Restaurant for making our evening a tremendous success! The atmosphere and food was top notch!!

It was a wonderful opportunity to express my gratitude to each of them for their commitment, involvement and support! As we close out the current year and prepare for 2013 I was able to present each of them with their own personal copy of the book "The Circle Maker" by Mark Batterson. Together we will journey into the new year with the intention of praying circles around our families, church and workplaces. As a team we believe that God has so much more in store for us in our future and we are committed to unlocking His dream for our lives!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

This past Sunday, Dr. Augustine and Joy Adiboshi brought their new son Jonathan to be dedicated to the Lord. As loving and caring parents they were encouraged to remain persistent in their prayers for their entire family!

I prayed that God would reveal to them little Jonathan's gifts, talents and abilities He had placed in him and to show them how to best nurture and develop them for His glory. As God gives them a glimpse of their child's potential greatness, may they encourage, love and pray for him into becoming that person. God definitely has a unique purpose and plan for their precious gift from heaven.
We are so thrilled to have this new family worshipping with us at Sunset Chapel!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sunday was also bitter sweet as we honored and said goodbye to a very special couple.  Maurice and Lorraine DuToit after 35 plus years of faithful attendance and service at Sunset Chapel are moving to the retirement community "The Villages" located in north central Florida.  Originally from South Africa, they have touched so many hearts and lives in the city of Miami and beyond! Together they have worn numerous hats in our church and were always willing to help out no matter what the need or challenge was! For over three decades they invested so much of their abilities, resources, and time into God's Kingdom work. Their departure leaves a huge void in so many areas of leadership and ministry here in our church. Many have commented that these two gifts from God to our community of believers here at SC have left an indelible imprint upon their hearts. It has been a real joy to pastor such wonderful people as the DuToit's. They have provided so much encouragement and support to our family since our arrival in June of 2009. They will be greatly missed! We wish them much happiness and peace in this new phase of their lives!
Congratulations to Michael and Debbie Perdomo! We are so excited that you are part of the Sunset Chapel family and what a joy it was to dedicate Elijah Michael this past Sunday. Newborn children are gifts to us from heaven. We pray that your son grows into a man of God, being sensitive to the Spirit and always hungry for God's Word. We look forward to watching your son grow as a favored son of the Father!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

This Sunday is our ONE DAY TO FEED THE WORLD CAMPAIGN.  We have asked everyone to consider joining us and donate one day's wages to help feed impoverished children around the world!  We are partnering with Convoy of Hope a faith-based organization that responds to disaster relief-needs around the world.  They are currently responding to the Hurricane Sandy relief effort in the NY / NJ areas.  Please remember to bring your offering tomorrow morning.  Or if you are out of town you can go to our website and give online (mark it as ONEDAY).  We are going to have an awesome day!!

Also tomorrow we are distributing "Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets"  to some families in need in our community.  We still need the following items.  Please leave me a facebook msg or send an email to if you are able to donate any of the items listed below and bring with you to tomorrow's service, or anything else you would like that goes with a holiday meal.
Thank you for helping us make this Thanksgiving season much more meaningful for these families!

9   Packs of Dinner Rolls

6   Turkey Oven Bags

6   Boxes of Stove Top Stuffing

5   Jars of Heinz Turkey Gravy

6   Containers of French's French Fried Onions

7   26 oz Cans of Campbell's Family Size Cream of Mushroom Soup

6   29 oz Cans of Del Monte Fresh Cut Whole Kernel Sweet Corn

5  Cans of Pumpkin Pie Mix

8   Packs of Pillsbury Frozen Pie crusts

6  Boxes of (at least 15.3 oz) of Hungry Jack Mashed Potatoes
9  of anything else that goes with a Holiday Meal.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Convoy of Hope

Sunset Chapel and Sunset Christian Academy launches initiative to fight hunger and poverty around the world!
We are partnering with humanitarian aid organization Convoy of Hope in a campaign to help feed the impoverished around the world!

Our “One-Day” to Feed the World campaign is November 18th a united act of compassion to help the poor and suffering!  Every dollar contributed to Convoy of Hope can provide up to $7 worth of food and supplies that is delivered through Convoy of Hope’s children’s feeding programs, community outreaches and disaster relief efforts.

My heart and vision is to see our church and school reach-out locally, nationally and globally – Jesus said “if you have done it to one of the least of these you have done it to me”

Locally we are distributing Thanksgiving baskets full of food to some families making sure they have all they need to have a Thanksgiving meal for their families this year. If you would like to donate to this act of compassion please bring your food items to the church between now and Sunday, Nov. 18th. Call the church office for more information 305-271-4094

Nationally, this ministry faith-based organization is responding to the Hurricane Sandy devastation that occurred in the New York/NewJersey area.  They are fast at work bringing emergency food, water, ice, and supplies to victims of this disaster!  They have distributed already 150 tons of food to affected areas.  The need is great, extensive and long lasting!

Globally we are asking everyone to join us in Giving ONE DAYS WAGES on November 18th to help us feed children around the world as well as sending supplies to areas that have suffered disasters.

Just think, with just “one day”, you and your family can make a world of difference in a child's life. The difference between hungry and happy. The difference between a grimace and a grin. All it takes is one day's worth of wages to make that kind of difference. One day like any other. One day of compassion. One day of sharing. One Day To Feed The World!  

Are you asking:  “WHAT CAN I DO?”

Can you give One Day of your life? Work One Day - Give One Day!   Join us and many more on November 18th as we donate “one days” wages to assist this ministry in feeding the impoverished around the world! You may bring your donation to church with you that morning or go to our website and give online by clicking here.  SC ONLINE GIVING  Please Mark your envelope or online donation as "ONEDAY" other field.

Currently, Convoy of Hope feeds more than 125,000 children every day in Haiti, El Salvador, Kenya, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Philippines. Since Convoy of Hope was founded in 1994, it has served more than 50 million people throughout the world.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact the school office or the church office at 305-271-4094 or go to our website

Or to find out more about Convoy of Hope go to their website at or click on the link below to watch a video

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Baptism is a very important event in the life of any new Christian. And I know that we go to great lengths to make sure the celebration is done just right!

At the beginning of the service, we will briefly explain the meaning of baptism. each participant will receive a free t-shirt and a baptism certificate!

Water Baptism is one of the most meaningful events in a person's spiritual journey. The Bible clearly teaches that baptism is the next step after giving your life to Jesus. Baptism is your chance to stand up and tell the world about your personal commitment to follow Christ.

What is the meaning of Baptism?

  • It illustrates Christ's burial and resurrection.
  • Christ died for our sins...He was buried...and He rose again! (I Corinthians 15:3-4)
  • For when you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and in Baptism you were also raised with Christ! (Colossians 2:12)
  • It illustrates your new life as a Christian.
  • When someone becomes a Christian, he or she becomes a brand new person on the inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun!
Baptism doesn't make you a Christian.
  • Only your faith in Christ does that.
  • Baptism is like a wedding ring - it's the outward sign of the commitment you have made in your heart.
Who should be Baptized?

  • All believers as soon as they have accepted Christ
  • A believer is someone who has realized that their sin separated them from God. They have given up all efforts to reach God through good works or religious activity. They have concluded that Jesus Christ's death on the cross for their sins is the only thing that can bridge the gap between them and God.
  • A believer is someone who had decided to trust Christ alone for their salvation. If you have come to that point in your spiritual journey, then you are ready to be baptized!
  • Those who believed...were baptized...that day! (Acts 2:41)
  • There is no reason to delay!
  • As soon as you have decided to receive Christ into your life, you can and should be baptized.

Our next Baptism Experience will take place on Sunday, Oct 28th!
Can I be baptized with my spouse, child, or their family members?

  • Yes! If more than one member of your family is being baptized, we will have you come into the baptism tank together to be baptized.
What should I wear?

  • Plan to wear shorts with a t-shirt into the tank (we will provide you with a free "Watermark" t-shirt you can keep) once everyone has been baptized you will have access to rooms in the main building to change into your dry clothes. Oh yeah, don't forget to bring a dry towel,change of clothes, blow dryer and a hairbrush or comb.
Can I invite people to attend the baptism if they don't belong to Sunset Chapel?
  • Absolutely! We encourage you to invite your friends, family, co-workers, classmates, be a part of this special day! And don't forget to bring a camera so you can have someone take a photo during your baptism.
I pray that many will take the plunge on Sunday 10.28.12 @ 10:30 AM and acknowledge Christ in their lives. It will be one of the most phenomenal experiences of your life!

Is there someone you could invite to church this weekend who could use this experience? Your invitation could initiate one of the most important days of someones life. We will have baptism kits (shirts, shorts, towels) prepared for those who want to spontaneously participate this weekend. This will be a BIG DAY at Sunset Chapel!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So yesterday I attended a strategy meeting in Orlando that was as focused as anything I've ever been a part of in over 30 years of full-time ministry. There was a moment when without a doubt everyone in our gathering acknowledged that the Presence of God had entered into the room. It was a powerful moment as the Holy Spirit began to validate our coming together and talking points.

Some of the statements that resonated with me during my drive back down to Miami were... "the future belongs to the strategist's. We need leadership today that is clear, sharp and powerful! Small thinking produces small results." It was a humbling privilege to sit among these great visionaries and hear their hearts to ignite a movement rather than host an event. For me personally it was an inspiring afternoon to say the least.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This past Sunday was intense. There were some definite God-moments that occurred. As our "order of service" veered off track. It was quite noticeable to all in attendance that the Holy Spirit had taken us deeper into the presence of God. There was nothing awkward or uncomfortable about it. People gathered around our altar area with their hands raised, worshipping from their hearts, we all had our gaze fastened upon Christ! It was an incredible sight as people called out to God for their marriages, struggles, faith and future!

Pray today for those who have not yet experienced the hope of Christ. In fact, start praying today for those people in your life who need to find a sense of family and invite them to Sunset Chapel this weekend. Don't say "no" for your friends... allow them to do that for themselves. Let's get ready for an amazing Sunday of life-change!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

30 Years of Love and Life!

In Honor of our Anniversary - I have taken over my husband's blog to express my heart's love and thoughts towards him!

Happy Anniversary Baby!  It’s been 30 years today that I said “I DO” and if you asked me again …. I would say … “I DO” again!  I still melt when you walk into the room and smile at me!  There is nothing to me more comforting that knowing you are right next to me, and I would choose you again and again to love and cherish every day!  Thank you for loving me the way no one else can and when no one else can!  I love everything about you … I find you irresistible!  In honor of our 30 years I thought I would remind you of 30 things I love about you!
  I LOVE  . . . . .  
1.    Your hands – they way they warp around and fit mine,
2.    Your touch – when you trace my lips or tuck my hair behind my ear.
3.    Your eyes – they way the sparkle when you look at me – and our boys
4.    Your smile – your smile of love, your ornery smile, even your fake smile J
5.    Your voice – when you are talking softly to me, when you sing to me, and when you sing to God
6.    Your honesty & integrity – at home and at work.
7.    Your compassion – how you show your care and concern for others
8.    Your example – I love how you LIVE for God
9.    Your determination – to live godly, to do your personal devotions, to grow as a person, husband, father and pastor
10. Your preaching – it inspires me to live and grow more in Christ.
11.  Your personal devotion time – I love watching you read and pray and get inspired!
12. Your arms – they way the hug me and protect me and make me feel safe!
13. You’re a hard worker – You are not afraid to work hard at home or office.
14.  Your Forgiving Heart! – This always amazes me how easily you do this even though I know you are hurt.
15. Your creativeness – in our marriage and at church
16. Your Optimism – Always believing the best in people, and the future. The “Best is yet to Come!” – your favorite saying!
17.  Your dancing – you got rhythm and moves babe – hehe – you know it!
18.  Your drum skills! – I know it’s just a car-dashboard, but I love the way you play!
19.  Our Walks – I love to walk with you and talk and I love to watch you walk!
20.  Your Generosity – to others and I know that you would give me anything I would ask for if you could!
21. Your passion – for our boys and seeing them do well, and for seeing others start and grow their relationship with God! 
22. How you make me a cup of coffee EVERY morning! 
23. How you let me sit next to you in the mornings and wake up a little before we start our day!
24. How you always make me Laugh!
25.  Your awesome sense of humor - I love how you let me play tricks on you, or try to scare you!
26.  The car games we play every day!
27. They way you reach over and hold my hand in the car!
28.  The way you pray for me – it melts my heart!
29. I love when you whisper sweet things in my ear!
30.  YOUR KISSES – you know – I’m all about your kisses! 

I will Never forget our first kiss – we were on the pier at SEU – you hugged me, I looked up at you and our lips met – My mind went blank – I got warm and woozy all over – I thought for sure I melted – It was a slightly moist, soft, smooth sensation, so tender and delicate . . . . for sure I could never forget it and I never will . . . So tonight I will ask you again …. Kiss Me Like the First Time!  I love you Russell DeBord, Always and Forever your wife, the mother of your sons, your lover, your best cheerleader, your best friend! ME J   

TTEOT Forever yours!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Satan wants to assault your consciousness. It is one of his most effective weapons that he uses against you. Satan has been quite successful as a prosecutor. He shouts "Your Guilty!" to millions of people every single day! He reminds you of all your sin and all the ways you don't measure up. His accusations are specific and laced with condemnation and shame. Both of these tools at his disposal will ruin your life if allowed to.

But Christ comes along with a different message. He wants to free your consciousness from Satan's assaults. He proclaims, "By my blood, your innocent and free from all condemnation!" His message is one full of forgiveness, grace, and hope. Colossians 3:1-2 says, "... set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Christ and Satan are vying for control of your minds. Whose message will you tune into today? I dare you to think differently!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Problems no matter their size should move us to pray. It's an accepted fact that prayer moves us closer to God. Connecting with Him releases His power in our lives. The bigger our problems, the more we need to hit our knees and pray bigger prayers!

Prayer brings the blessings of God into your life! When you pray, do so with faith. God will see you through. He never fails, He never leaves, He never deserts, He's nearer than your closest friend, He's awake when everyone else is asleep. He's right by your side. Whisper to Him and He listens intently for your voice. He has said that even before you call, He would answer!

 Don't ever allow the devil to whip you or trick you out of your prayer times! He knows that if you ever actually make contact with God, there would be so much damage caused to his kingdom. He will do everything in his power to hinder you from making prayer a priority in your life. Stay focused! Stay disciplined! Keep on praying! The answer is nearer than you think!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sometimes life is just plain difficult. When times are tough and your feeling overwhelmed it's easy to allow doubt and fear to keep you from experiencing God's best. But you and I don't have to listen to the voices of negativity. We have another option available to us... we can listen to the voice of God!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Are you a good listener? If you went to see a doctor and he or she started prescribing a medication to you without hearing what your symptoms were, what would you think? You would think that he was a quack! You'd also be looking for his medical school diploma on the wall.
When you listen to people, they realize that your sincere and that you have a genuine interest in them. Becoming a good listener allows you to pick up on what their specific needs and challenges are. Then you're able to share with them how Christ can meet their point of need both personally and prayerfully. Today is a perfect day to connect with someone and to reflect Christ. Listen with your heart. Then allow the Spirit to direct your response!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Yesterdays service was significant for a number of reasons. First and foremost because we prayed with enormous amounts of faith for numerous individuals who responded to the message on "Divine Healing". There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that people were able to meet with God and bring their hurts to the Healer!

Secondly, we saw a total of eight people respond to the invitation for salvation. That is a BIG win! Seeing these people raise their hands and accept Christ into their hearts and lives brought an overwhelming sense of joy to everyone!

A definite highlight of yesterdays message was allowing Lolita Gonzalez to come to the platform and share her personal story of faith and trust in God. She told how she had been informed by doctors that her son had been born with a rare and nearly hopeless medical condition. Yet in the midst of her family's struggle she had taken her son Tristen to a healing service and had him prayed for and together they are able to rejoice today that he is now completely healed! Her soft-spoken words carefully shared from her heart amplified the message in every one's heart. God is still able to heal your hurt wherever and whatever it is!!

Thirdly, having so many people commit to set aside daily time to pray and lift me up to God's throne for the past two weeks as I prepared myself for this special service was so beneficial and encouraging. I love our church and what God is doing in it right now. Our focus on Christ needs to remain consistent and strong. I believe that this is only a beginning for what lies ahead for Sunset Chapel. Let's do all we can to gather faithfully each weekend and to spread the news that God is changing lives and meeting people's needs in our services!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Bring your hurts and physical needs to the Healer!!  Be sure to attend Sunset Chapel tomorrow morning and bring everyone you know who needs God's touch on their lives and circumstances!  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This past Sunday I announced that we would hold a "Divine Healing" service on Sunday September 30th. I then requested that five individuals commit to pray for me as I prepared myself to preach on this topic and get ready to pray for each person who responds to the call on that Sunday to receive healing prayer over their struggles and situations. To my amazement ten individuals initially signed up! You too can join in on this prayer focus. Our five fold prayer focus is on:

  *God's Direction
  *God's Anointing
  *God's Word
  *God's Results
  *God's Glory

Our world today needs to hear this message of deliverance and healing. So many are bound up by heartache, sickness and disease. If we set ourselves apart and seek God for holy purposes God will perform splendid signs and wonders among us. I believe that God is ready to send His power down in the lives of men and women as He has never done before!

We need a mighty anointing from heaven to come down. The God of miracles is always prepared to move among us and He will if we set ourselves apart. If I attempt to preach that Sunday without that anointing, I will only be speaking mere words---there will be no power. Friends, there is no substitute for the anointing of God's Spirit! I want to be fully prepared to preach and pray over each individual who attends and responds not in my strength but in the strength and power of His Holy Name!

There is power in the Name of Jesus and we have authority to use that power, to use that Name. It's not the power of man, its not the power of a church, but the power of Jesus Name that brings healing and deliverance today!

Maybe you or someone you know would benefit from attending this service. I am anticipating a packed service filled with spectacular God moments and results! Begin to spread the word about our "Divine Healing" service and invite others to attend!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here's a recap from our Tropical Storm Isaac weekend.

The fact that your reading this tells you that we survived Isaac! South Florida residents know what to expect when storms like this pass through our area. I appreciated all those who volunteered helpful hints as the DeBord house prepared for our first really big storm here in Miami! Thankfully Isaac didn't morph into a full blown hurricane for us ... yet he did create one unusual weekend for us at Sunset Chapel.

During the 3+ years since becoming the lead pastor we've never had to consider canceling a service during the hurricane season. Isaac gave me my biggest test yet, as we were planning an awesome conclusion to our "Base Path To Spiritual Growth" series! By 6:30 AM on Sunday morning after watching several weather reports and tracking what other pastors and churches were doing in our city. I made the decision to precede with our morning service.

Let me share with you what occurred!

Our attendance was low. But our worship team minus only three of their members did a fantastic job of ushering in the marvelous presence of the Lord! Margie Stark was nothing short of fearless as she lead our musicians and vocal team! Wow! They were magnificent!!

Before preaching we allotted time to listen to several testimonies from those who braved the elements to be in God's House for worship. It was so encouraging and uplifting to hear how God was working behind the scenes in so many lives! Everyones comments really set the tone for the remainder of our service together!

There were 10 children in our Kid's Church service and 3 infants in the Nursery, plus their volunteers who all showed in full strength! That was totally amazing! I just have to say our volunteers are simply the best!!

I preached the final message in our series "Base Path To Spiritual Growth" with an emphasis on getting "Involved." I communicated the message as if we were filled to the rafters, holding nothing back! The mission of the church is disciplemaking. God is calling all of us to get involved in reproducing ourselves!

After our service, we had enough members present to go ahead and conduct our Annual Business Meeting as previously announced and planned. After voting on a couple of By-Law changes, approving both Chapel and our Academy's financial reports, we then elected Carlos Rodriguez to serve a 3 year term on our church board. We welcome him to our leadership team! We also tipped our hats in appreciation to Oscar Fernandez for his productive time serving on the board as he prepared to step down upon the completion of his term. His heart for serving, constant support and consistent leadership abilities will be missed.

Over the course of the weekend several things became apparent. As our attendance slumped because of Isaac so did our finances. We received less than a third of what our normal tithe and offerings typically are. Of great concern is the short term impact this may have on our missions budget. Our missionaries count on our consistent support monthly as they endeavor to share the Good News around the globe. Unfortunately just because a tropical storm comes through it's impact doesn't mean that our bills are shuttered like our houses. They still show up.

If Isaac affected your plans to attend service this past weekend at Sunset Chapel would you consider two options for submitting your regular tithe and offerings to still honor God in this area? You can go to and contribute online or just drop by the church office sometime in the coming days. It would help us finish the month of August without carrying over any indebtedness!

Finally, many family and ministry friends contacted us through their FB and Twitter messages offering their encouragement, concern and prayers for our safety as Isaac came and went. Your friendships are all deeply appreciated! Storms are inevitable in our region. Storms come in our lives too. God proves over and over again that He is with us every moment of every day!

Love our church and our city!

Pastor Russ

Monday, August 20, 2012


First day of Sunset Christian Academy is off to a great start!! So many excited students arriving on our campus this morning! More than one parent admitted to having a lump in their throat and shedding a tear or two!


Over eight weeks ago we launched an initiative called the "90 Day Tithing Challenge" and I wanted to update everyone on our progress. Since the start of this initiative there are now 44 individuals/families that have joined us in this challenge! As your pastor I'm extremely humbled and proud of the way so many of you have responded and stepped up! I know that several are sacrificing a lot so that people in our city will find hope!

You who have taken on this "90 Day Tithing Challenge" have hit the target on center and you're literally capturing the heartbeat of God to reach the thousands of unchurched people in our city. Together we are becoming a conduit and expression of God's love here in Miami.

I'm praying Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) over each of you and that God will blow you away! Our God is generous beyond our ability to imagine!

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

As we are faithful to be open-handed financially, God promises to continue pouring blessings into our lives in every way! Looking ahead, there will be many great opportunities for us to consider and take advantage of. If you haven't yet made the decision to join in on this "90 Day Tithing Challenge" then please prayerfully consider doing so... together we can accomplish much!

I'm not sure how I can thank you all enough for the trust and investments you are making into Sunset Chapel and our efforts to be a spiritual blessing to our city. You are the greatest givers I've ever known! You are invaluable to Sunset Chapel and to me!!

Pastor Russ

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I am looking forward to sharing another practical message this coming Sunday in our current "Base Path To Spiritual Growth" series! While preparing for this third message in our series I came across this statement in my notes...."We must keep in mind that the first step up in God's kingdom is a step down. The way to greatness always begins through the door marked "Servant's Entrance."

Ministry involvement begins with a heart for the things God is passionate about. It is only as we understand God's love for everyone and His desire that all should know and serve Him can we ask the questions: Where do I fit in? How can I help advance His Will and church? What should be a surprise to no one is the fact that God wants each of us to participate in His plan. He has instilled within each of us a distinct set of abilities, interests, and desires for specific purposes. We must remain alert to the ministry opportunities that come our way. They are the things that excite us and fire our imaginations the most! Often the things you've most wanted to do are the very things that God has planted in your hearts! I hope you'll join me this Sunday at Sunset Chapel and discover your place of ministry within His church!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New August Series

God has given every single one of us a special calling. God is going to challenge us in the next four weeks in a special way.  He doesn't want you to just be a spectator.  He is calling all of us to take the field and be involved in what He is doing in His Kingdom.  You can't experience victory if you never take the field.  We're going to be using the analogy of baseball.  The diamond model serves as a means of tracing the spiritual development of an individual.  
  • Week 1: Include 
  • Week 2: Instruct
  • Week 3: Involve
  • Week 4: Invest

Monday, July 30, 2012

Financial Peace University is coming to Sunset Chapel!

FPU provides biblically based, common-sense education and empowerment which gives HOPE to everyone from the financially secure to the financially distressed. It takes the knowledge from God and turns it into real action in our lives through a step by step process taught by best selling author and financial counselor Dave Ramsey.

FPU is a 9 week life changing program that empowers and teaches you how to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals and God's plan for your life.. The course includes practical lessons on eliminating debt, building wealth, giving like never before, and much, much more!

This initial class is limited to the first 10 memberships. Each session is scheduled for 2 hours divided into two parts. Part One, taught by Dave Ramsey on DVD, teaches you how to make wise financial decisions based on scripture. Part Two of each class session is a small group discussion. The design of the discussion groups helps you apply the principles to your daily life. Members hold each other accountable, build friendships, and support one another. since personal finance is 80% behavior, this small group format ensures that class members realize finance is more than just math.

We will offer a free class preview on Sunday August 5, 2012 at 7:00 PM. More information and an overview of the class will be shared at this gathering. Due to the outstanding response we are adding a second class session for this 9 week course that will meet Sundays at 5 PM. For more information and to register for this class contact the church office at 305-271-4094.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I was impressed to spend some extra time with God the other night so I gathered my laptop and added some small speakers and set up an area on our patio to just listen to some worship music and lock in with God. As I began to pour my heart out to God there was a noticeable slight South Florida breeze blowing. Thirty minutes turned into an hour and as I continued on in God's presence..... suddenly everything changed.

My heart reached a new point and began to soften as the Holy Spirit began to work in me. The breeze that had been softly blowing in the night air instantly stopped. And a "heaviness" surrounded me as I moved deeper in intercession. This became intense. Read what Psalms 119:28 says from the Amplified Bible:

   "My life dissolves and weeps itself away for heaviness: raise me up and strengthen me according to ( the promise of ) Your word."

How how I've missed that "spirit of heaviness" in my life. Not only have I been blessed to grow up in a church that God's Spirit and anointing flowed freely. I have also had the privilege of seeing God move in the churches He's allowed me to serve in. There has all these years remained deep within me a hunger in my heart that only God could fill. I'm convinced that our church and the lives of those who attend our services at SC are in need of the infusion of the Holy Spirit as well! For sometime we've been able to see that the Lord is causing a spiritual thirst to rise up among our faithful attenders. And the conditions are continuing to improve. I felt that during that night of prayer that God was impressing on my heart..."Get Ready! For I am about to make available a season of refreshing." I truly believe our best days are ahead and that God is about to envelope our church with His presence!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

90 Day

Five weeks ago I gave a 90 Day Tithing Challenge to everyone who attends Sunset Chapel. The early reports are very encouraging! What is this? Basically its all of us tithing 10% of our income for the next 90 days. ( July-September ) Realizing that our church will not advance without the faithful and intentional giving of our church attenders. I am praying that you will join Shari and I in making God a priority in your finances. We've been married almost 30 years now and we have come to the conclusion that God has always been near and watched over our lives and ministry every single day! We consider ourselves to be very blessed!

Every dollar you invest into this ministry is used to enhance our abilities as a church to reach our community! We believe that God has called us to be the kind of church that that seeks out those who are hurting and living far from Him. Recent guests to SC have made the following comments:

   "God"s presence was so real and heavy today in this service"
   "I will never forget today! I will never forget how I feel"
   "I gave my heart to God today"
   "I came with my sister this morning and I recommitted my life back
     to God"

It's always amazing to see God change lives right before our eyes! God is giving us some great momentum as we come to the end of the summer months. I'm elated to report that we are up to 35 families/individuals who have accepted this 90 Day Tithing Challenge! As your pastor I am incredibly humbled to watch this list grow as so many faithful people make a commitment to Sunset Chapel. I will never forget your willingness to invest in our church.

If you are one of these families/individuals who are participating in this challenge. I would love to hear and share your stories about how you are personally experiencing God's blessing and favor in your life! Please leave a comment below, send me a quick text, or email me at and tell me how involved God is in your life!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Don't Fly Alone

As I sat on my patio yesterday in the late afternoon. I watched a number of different birds fly overhead in the sky. While most stayed near the ground. I watched as more than a few landed on my yard looking no doubt for a meal. While others perched and rested on the branches of my neighbors palm trees that surround our home. Most I observed flew in groups or were at least with a couple of other birds.

I was intrigued to notice that one flew so high up he appeared to be playing in the clouds all by himself. I wondered to myself is he an adventurer? He seemed unconcerned and unburdened with the cares of this world as he seemingly floated along with the wind currents. I then thought to myself "I wonder does he like to just keep to himself and fly wherever the wind or his whims take him? Is he lost? Has he lost his bearings, not knowing which way to go? Will he be able to find his way home?"

To often I find myself weighed down with the burdens and cares of this world. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some are related to family matters. Others are related to the church that I serve. Leadership is often lonely. And more times than I want to admit or can remember during the past thirty years of ministry I probably wished I could have just taken flight and left all my worries and concerns behind. But that's not what God wants me or you to do. He wants us to learn to trust Him more and to see our faith in His abilities strengthened. It's when I find myself flying in the storm clouds that God reminds me He is near and that He's always ready to assist and help me if I'll just call on Him. Gratefully He has always answered when I've called out to Him.

And I know He'll do the same for you too!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weatherman said that there was a 60% chance of rain this morning! He should have said it was 100%!!!! Although many chose to stay home today and remain dry, those who arrived to church this morning and dodge the raindrops came and experienced a great service!

I preached on "Living Germ Free' in our service. As you and I walk up and down the aisle of any local grocery store you'll see many products sold that are labeled "anti-bacterial." People are obsessed with living as germ free as possible on the outside but seem less careful when it comes to the images and messages our culture constantly bombards us with. Each of the toxic influences we allow into our lives cause damage to our spiritual hearts. Consuming these constant influences can go a long way to poisoning us and eroding our spiritual relationship with Christ. Read what the scripture says in Romans 12:2 from The Message Bible.

   "Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking! Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out! Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to it's level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-informed maturity in you."

I challenged everyone to stop consuming things with spiritual germs...things that are toxic to their spiritual hearts and then allow the Holy Spirit to re-adjust their standards of what is right and wrong.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Have you ever been in a situation where someone owed you money or borrowed something from you and they refused to give it back? There are only two ways to resolve this kind of tension. Either that person has to pay up or return the item that was borrowed, or you have to cancel the debt completely. As long as the debt is unpaid or unforgiven the debt dictates the relationship. This debt-to-debtor dynamic always causes an imbalance in any relationship. Proverbs 15:1 informs us that "harsh words only stir up more anger" and hostility. Anger can clog the arteries of our spiritual hearts instantly. Join us tonight at 7:00 PM at Sunset Chapel as we discuss this dark invader that causes us many times to explode! Come learn some valuable insights that can help you control the fire inside!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sunset Chapel received a certificate of appreciation from Convoy of Hope! Since 2009 to present we've given $19,719.58 thus far to this outstanding disaster relief and feeding ministry! Great job church! Convoy of Hope has more than 120,000 children enrolled in their feeding initiatives. Because of your generosity, these children can know they will have a healthy meal to eat and clean water to drink each day. Our next "One Day To Feed The World" giving opportunity is scheduled again for November 2012! Thank you for caring and giving through our local church to reach the world for Christ!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

When People Pray

Last night after our worship set I gathered those in attendance for our mid-week service around the altar in a large prayer circle. And we prayed.

* We prayed for our students at youth camp
* We prayed for Sunset Christian Academy's upcoming school year and enrollment
* We prayed for all the individuals and families who have thus far accepted the 90 Day Tithing Challenge
* We prayed for this coming weekends service and message

When God's people pray powerful things happen. In the Book of Acts it records a prayer meeting of 120 in an upper room. They had no clue as to what was going to take place. The end result was that God sent His Holy Spirit to fill them and they went out from that experience and radically impacted the world!

Sadly today, for far to many times, we've gotten used to doing without the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. After the service I had a great conversation with one of our regular attenders and he and I spoke at length about the need for individuals to get desperate once again and to invite the Holy Spirit to come back into their lives and give Him control.

Recently my wife Shari introduced to our church a song entitled "We Are Hungry".  Some of the lyrics are...

       "Lord I want more of you
         Living Water rain down on me
         Lord I need more of you
         Living Breath of Life come fill me up

         We are hungry we are hungry
         We are hungry for more of You
         We are thirsty O Jesus
         We are thirsty for more of You

This song is anointed. It reminds me of how desperate King David had become when he wrote Psalms 63:1-2 (NLT).
         "O God, you are my God
          I earnestly search for you.
          My soul thirsts for you;
          my whole body longs for you
          in this parched and weary land
          where there is no water."

He knew that something wasn't quite right. Something was missing from his life. When we find our passion evaporating and our spiritual consistency becoming hit or miss. Do we notice the Holy spirit's presence gone from our hearts and lives? What is it that keeps holding us back from seeking and searching for Him diligently?

We know there's more! We want more! But we seem unable to find it anymore. Isn't it time to rediscover what it means to "pray through"? Maybe it's time to create a prayer circle for our lives, family, and church? Desperate times require desperate measures. let's take our holy desperation to God together!

I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us this Sunday! I hope to see you and your guests this weekend at Sunset Chapel!

Monday, July 9, 2012

2012 Missions Faith Promises

This past week at my request I received a report regarding our 2012 Faith Promises that we made together in April of this year. During our Spring Mission's Service our guest speaker, Nathan Turney, challenged us to embrace a world-view in spreading the gospel. One fourth of the world has never even heard the name of Jesus! Another fourth has not received sufficient teaching and witness to be able to make a decision for Christ. We partnered to pray and give to mission's project's and missionaries around the globe as a church. Committed monthly giving makes this possible.

Our Faith Promise card indicated the amount we would individually commit ourselves to give and the combined total of our promises as a church was $19,020.00 during the next 12 months! (There were some other verbal pledges made as well that came in after April's mission's service) Our monthly commitment currently stands at $1585.00. And here's a first hand report from the first two months.

* May $1,013.00 came in representing 63.91% of what was pledged. ($572.00 shortfall)

* June $1,502.00 came in representing 94.76% of what is pledged. ($83.00 shortfall)

To meet our goals we would need to make up the $655.00 shortfall.

Remember a  Faith Promise is between you and God. It is a sacred act. It is a spiritual agreement between you and God that, with His help, you will give a pre-determined amount to the church during the next 12 months to be used in world missions for the purpose of reaching those who are far from God. It's your total reliance on God for divine provision. This is not your tithe-your tithe is God's portion of what He's already provided for you. This is not a pledge-our church will not contact you if you fail to make a payment.

As we continue to reach our goals in spreading the gospel around the world we want to also expand our efforts here at home in reaching our city for Christ too! Thank you for your faithfulness!

I love our city and our church!!

Pastor Russ