Monday, July 23, 2012

Don't Fly Alone

As I sat on my patio yesterday in the late afternoon. I watched a number of different birds fly overhead in the sky. While most stayed near the ground. I watched as more than a few landed on my yard looking no doubt for a meal. While others perched and rested on the branches of my neighbors palm trees that surround our home. Most I observed flew in groups or were at least with a couple of other birds.

I was intrigued to notice that one flew so high up he appeared to be playing in the clouds all by himself. I wondered to myself is he an adventurer? He seemed unconcerned and unburdened with the cares of this world as he seemingly floated along with the wind currents. I then thought to myself "I wonder does he like to just keep to himself and fly wherever the wind or his whims take him? Is he lost? Has he lost his bearings, not knowing which way to go? Will he be able to find his way home?"

To often I find myself weighed down with the burdens and cares of this world. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some are related to family matters. Others are related to the church that I serve. Leadership is often lonely. And more times than I want to admit or can remember during the past thirty years of ministry I probably wished I could have just taken flight and left all my worries and concerns behind. But that's not what God wants me or you to do. He wants us to learn to trust Him more and to see our faith in His abilities strengthened. It's when I find myself flying in the storm clouds that God reminds me He is near and that He's always ready to assist and help me if I'll just call on Him. Gratefully He has always answered when I've called out to Him.

And I know He'll do the same for you too!

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