Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunset Chapel is Growing!

Sunset Chapel we haven't even begun to see what God has purposed for us here! He continues to do some really cool things during our weekend services. If we will all keep our eyes riveted on Him and listen to His voice..the potential for SC is unlimited! God is putting a vision in our hearts that is HUGE! I love our city. As we unite together and pray for Miami, let's pray that God would open doors, show us opportunities, and use our influence to initiate change in people's hearts and lives.

This week invite someone to church with you. People come to church because other people invite them. We continue to see the greatest percentage of our guests show up on the weekend because they were invited by someone they knew. Don't give up on a person you've been trying to reach, get them here and we'll tell them about God's love!

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