Thursday, April 22, 2010

Great Sunday's Are Ahead!!!

#1 Don't miss this coming Sunday!!! ( April 25 ) We've invited Rev. Mike Ennis from Latin America Child Care to join us for this weekend as we look at some unique ways Sunset Chapel can make a global difference!! This Sunday at SC we will be unveiling the vision for what we believe the Lord wants us to do as a church. We will also be examining the scriptures to see what God's plan for missions is...and how we are called to go "here", "there", and "everywhere"!!

#2 We are launching a new teaching series on May 2..."Messages to Pentecostals"!!! This series is going to be a great one to bring your friends, family, and coworkers to. The buzz and excitement is building!! It's time to allow God to breathe new life back into your heart and life!! "M2P" is going to be an incredible four weeks highlighting the importance, influence, and involvement of the Holy Spirit in your life. No one seems to be teaching this anymore in our churches. Being Pentecostal isn't something to be ashamed of. It's an experience worth having!! You won't want to miss a single service during this powerful series!!

#3 Mother's Day!! ( May 9 ) Folks...I can't even begin to explain what this weekend will be like and how it's going to profoundly impact you!! Every lady will be treated as royalty...the Gospel will be wife, Shari will be bringing a very touching message to all...and ladies, please bring extra tissue!! This will be one of our best Sunday's of 2010!! I promise you that your going to HATE IT if you miss this Mother's Day service!!

What would happen if all of us seriously took about five minutes to pray about who to invite...and then listened to God...and then just went for fear,nothing to lose? Folks, this weekend is going to be THE weekend that many will put their faith in Christ for the first time...and others who are running are going to turn their lives around!!! Trust me it's going to be powerful!!!

So...are you listening? God wants us all to be part of making a difference in someone else's life!! Go For It!!

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