Today I found myself thinking about the subject of leadership. Specifically local church leadership. There are so many opportunities presented on a daily basis to excel or fail. Some decisions allow for a moment of pause to occur to enable a pastor to contemplate big-picture results and consequences. There are no unsacred moments. We can know that every moment is, in fact, touched by the presence of God. Whenever I find myself buried under the clutter of the urgent, the distracting, and the imbalance of an overloaded schedule. I find myself so appreciative of those precious moments to clearly hear the voice of God speak.
While I readily admit that I don't own a crystal ball that can see into the future. I am extremely grateful for the guidance that the Holy Spirit provides me in both the small and large choices that I sometimes find myself having to make. From personal experience I have learned that by seeking God on the small things, whenever the HUGE bridges have to be crossed He is there pointing the way and giving me the courage and confidence I need to lead this wonderful church He has called me to. Without a doubt I really love what I'm doing and I have an incredible passion to see our church grow!
I believe that as God has called me to this new and exciting place of ministry. And that as time progresses He is continually unpacking into my heart and spirit a new vision and strategy for Sunset Chapel. This afternoon I found myself studying a paragraph from one of my leadership books that I often reference, "Good to Great" authored by Jim Collins, that basically states that great leaders first got the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats..then they figured out where to drive the bus. The right people are your most important asset. The right people will do the right things and deliver the best results they are capable of.
I am extremely grateful for the team that God has assembled around me. They are all gifted and talented individuals. They are capable of producing outstanding results for God's kingdom. A specific goal that I believe the Lord has placed in my heart is to see them be provided with the best guidance and resources possible in order to be successful. I also believe in evaluating and measuring our results in order to find ways that improve our ministries. This morning I came across a tremendous article concerning measuring results and effort (check out his full article here) by Jeff Leake who serves as the pastor at Allison Park Church in Allison, Pa.
Pastor Jeff stated that when we measure results it gives a chance to celebrate our successes! We can enjoy the moment, affirm our team, our strategy, discipline, and approach. Pastor Jeff, also went on to admit that measuring results can be very scary. We all fear failure. No one likes exposing their weaknesses or lack of performance. Yet facing the facts of your true results is the only way to continual growth and constant improvement.
Just some random thoughts I am pondering upon today!
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