Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Missions Emphasis Update!

Wow! Wow! Wow! I am loving Sunset Chapel with every ounce of my being today!! Our 2010 Missions emphasis was a spectacular success!!!! Our guest speaker Mike Ennis, who serves as Director of Development for Latin America Child Care did a tremendous job of challenging us to step forward and support missions around the world! If you missed the service let me encourage you to listen to his message in it's entirety by going to and looking under "Resources" and click onto "Media".

Here are some of the insightful statements from Mike's message that just rang the bell for me!!
*All of us are given opportunities to make a difference!
*If you had a million would do the same thing with it that your doing right now. (Hmmmn!)
*God's resources has nothing to do with Wall Street or the global economy!
*Concerning "Faith Promises"- It's not faith if I can do it or figure it out.
*Faith is ..Trust, it's believing what you can't see. We are all in different places in our faith journey.
*In God's economy...You reap what you sow, You reap after you sow, You reap more than you sow!
*If our faith doesn't cause us to act..then your faith is dead! Or at least sick!
*You cannot have God's nature and NOT be a giver!
*There's no such thing as a stingy giver.
*What can I believe You (God) for.. to give through me??

God loves people everywhere...and I am very excited that SC is doing everything possible to get that message out there! At the conclusion of our service we collected faith promise cards from those present and we have received a subtotal to date of $53,735.00 !!!!! We are looking forward to hearing from numerous others who were absent this past week concerning their faith commitments towards missions that will allow our total support to climb! This Sunday May 2, you can begin to bring in your faith promise offerings. Mike Ennis challenged us to get as much seed in the ground as quickly as possible so that the reaping can begin sooner for the Kingdom of God!! Thank you SC for embracing a global vision for spreading the Gospel!!

We also announce a unique partnership with Samaritan's Feet to help provide shoes to children around the world. We announced an upcoming "Barefoot Sunday" to occur on June 13, 2010. We are asking all our Sunset Chapel people to come and donate a pair of shoes for children around the world! Our ministry team will all be barefoot that day as we emphasize the fact that over 100 million children in the world don't own a single pair of shoes or sandals. Not only are you requested to donate a pair of shoes to this cause we will be taking a special offering to help make this a huge success! More details and information about this effort will be posted soon.

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