Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Splash!

So many people think and feel like God doesn't care about them. When someone is going through a difficult time, we can help them know that God deeply cares about them by pointing them to the scriptures. Psalms 103:8 says that "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." God cares about those who are brokenhearted, hurting, grieving, sick and lost. God is very interested in our lives and He cares about what you are going through. While life may seem at times senseless and tragic. I Peter 5:7 reveals that we can cast our cares upon Him, for He cares for us. It was an incredible moment as I watched numerous individuals stand at the conclusion of today's message for prayer. And I was unbelievably encouraged as I watched each of them become surrounded and embraced in compassion and love. This simple gesture meant so much to those who were standing. I couldn't have been more prouder of our church family!

This morning we received a number of individuals into church membership. Welcome Greg, Juana, Joe, Rebecca, Sherri. Rosy, Joe, Russ, Julee, Calvin, Randall, Lee, Nilda, Richie, Kyong, and Linda! All of these individuals committed to protect the unity of Sunset Chapel, share in the responsibility of praying for SC's growth, discover their gifts and talents in order to serve in the various ministries here and to support wholeheartedly the testimony of our church by attending faithfully and living a Godly life! Becoming a member is simply making a firm choice as an active follower of Christ to embrace the vision, mission and beliefs associated with this local church. It also means that you are committed to building relationships with others and support what we are doing at Sunset Chapel as we continue to grow spiritually and numerically.

This past week was intense as our ministry team hosted the Miami Section 17 Assemblies of God pastors meeting. I was extremely pleased to see everyone jump in to make this a successful gathering. I want to thank all our volunteers who gave so sacrificially of their time and energy. We had the opportunity to walk through our upcoming May 23, Pentecost Rally that will be hosted by Central Bible A/G. We will be sharing a lot more of those details with you in the coming weeks! The entire month of May promises to be an exciting and powerful month! Be sure to stay connected and don't miss a single service as we focus our attention on the Holy Spirit!

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