Wednesday, April 28, 2010

God always has more of Himself to reveal to us! My prayer is that God ignites a fire in each person who attends tonight's Prayer Service!! Let's all come anticipating a face to face encounter with God!

There is a heighten level of excitement in the air at Sunset Chapel these days as we prepare to focus on the influence and involvement of the Holy Spirit in our lives!! Many are hungry for their own personal Pentecost, while others are longing for fresh touch to occur in their parched hearts.

There are countless benefits to the infilling of the Holy Spirit in a believers life. Tonight's Prayer Service will be a time of preparation for God to do something incredible in our lives and church! I really hope to see you and your guests who are hungry for a fresh move of God in their lives!

Spring Missions Emphasis Update!

Wow! Wow! Wow! I am loving Sunset Chapel with every ounce of my being today!! Our 2010 Missions emphasis was a spectacular success!!!! Our guest speaker Mike Ennis, who serves as Director of Development for Latin America Child Care did a tremendous job of challenging us to step forward and support missions around the world! If you missed the service let me encourage you to listen to his message in it's entirety by going to and looking under "Resources" and click onto "Media".

Here are some of the insightful statements from Mike's message that just rang the bell for me!!
*All of us are given opportunities to make a difference!
*If you had a million would do the same thing with it that your doing right now. (Hmmmn!)
*God's resources has nothing to do with Wall Street or the global economy!
*Concerning "Faith Promises"- It's not faith if I can do it or figure it out.
*Faith is ..Trust, it's believing what you can't see. We are all in different places in our faith journey.
*In God's economy...You reap what you sow, You reap after you sow, You reap more than you sow!
*If our faith doesn't cause us to act..then your faith is dead! Or at least sick!
*You cannot have God's nature and NOT be a giver!
*There's no such thing as a stingy giver.
*What can I believe You (God) for.. to give through me??

God loves people everywhere...and I am very excited that SC is doing everything possible to get that message out there! At the conclusion of our service we collected faith promise cards from those present and we have received a subtotal to date of $53,735.00 !!!!! We are looking forward to hearing from numerous others who were absent this past week concerning their faith commitments towards missions that will allow our total support to climb! This Sunday May 2, you can begin to bring in your faith promise offerings. Mike Ennis challenged us to get as much seed in the ground as quickly as possible so that the reaping can begin sooner for the Kingdom of God!! Thank you SC for embracing a global vision for spreading the Gospel!!

We also announce a unique partnership with Samaritan's Feet to help provide shoes to children around the world. We announced an upcoming "Barefoot Sunday" to occur on June 13, 2010. We are asking all our Sunset Chapel people to come and donate a pair of shoes for children around the world! Our ministry team will all be barefoot that day as we emphasize the fact that over 100 million children in the world don't own a single pair of shoes or sandals. Not only are you requested to donate a pair of shoes to this cause we will be taking a special offering to help make this a huge success! More details and information about this effort will be posted soon.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Great Sunday's Are Ahead!!!

#1 Don't miss this coming Sunday!!! ( April 25 ) We've invited Rev. Mike Ennis from Latin America Child Care to join us for this weekend as we look at some unique ways Sunset Chapel can make a global difference!! This Sunday at SC we will be unveiling the vision for what we believe the Lord wants us to do as a church. We will also be examining the scriptures to see what God's plan for missions is...and how we are called to go "here", "there", and "everywhere"!!

#2 We are launching a new teaching series on May 2..."Messages to Pentecostals"!!! This series is going to be a great one to bring your friends, family, and coworkers to. The buzz and excitement is building!! It's time to allow God to breathe new life back into your heart and life!! "M2P" is going to be an incredible four weeks highlighting the importance, influence, and involvement of the Holy Spirit in your life. No one seems to be teaching this anymore in our churches. Being Pentecostal isn't something to be ashamed of. It's an experience worth having!! You won't want to miss a single service during this powerful series!!

#3 Mother's Day!! ( May 9 ) Folks...I can't even begin to explain what this weekend will be like and how it's going to profoundly impact you!! Every lady will be treated as royalty...the Gospel will be wife, Shari will be bringing a very touching message to all...and ladies, please bring extra tissue!! This will be one of our best Sunday's of 2010!! I promise you that your going to HATE IT if you miss this Mother's Day service!!

What would happen if all of us seriously took about five minutes to pray about who to invite...and then listened to God...and then just went for fear,nothing to lose? Folks, this weekend is going to be THE weekend that many will put their faith in Christ for the first time...and others who are running are going to turn their lives around!!! Trust me it's going to be powerful!!!

So...are you listening? God wants us all to be part of making a difference in someone else's life!! Go For It!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Splash!

So many people think and feel like God doesn't care about them. When someone is going through a difficult time, we can help them know that God deeply cares about them by pointing them to the scriptures. Psalms 103:8 says that "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." God cares about those who are brokenhearted, hurting, grieving, sick and lost. God is very interested in our lives and He cares about what you are going through. While life may seem at times senseless and tragic. I Peter 5:7 reveals that we can cast our cares upon Him, for He cares for us. It was an incredible moment as I watched numerous individuals stand at the conclusion of today's message for prayer. And I was unbelievably encouraged as I watched each of them become surrounded and embraced in compassion and love. This simple gesture meant so much to those who were standing. I couldn't have been more prouder of our church family!

This morning we received a number of individuals into church membership. Welcome Greg, Juana, Joe, Rebecca, Sherri. Rosy, Joe, Russ, Julee, Calvin, Randall, Lee, Nilda, Richie, Kyong, and Linda! All of these individuals committed to protect the unity of Sunset Chapel, share in the responsibility of praying for SC's growth, discover their gifts and talents in order to serve in the various ministries here and to support wholeheartedly the testimony of our church by attending faithfully and living a Godly life! Becoming a member is simply making a firm choice as an active follower of Christ to embrace the vision, mission and beliefs associated with this local church. It also means that you are committed to building relationships with others and support what we are doing at Sunset Chapel as we continue to grow spiritually and numerically.

This past week was intense as our ministry team hosted the Miami Section 17 Assemblies of God pastors meeting. I was extremely pleased to see everyone jump in to make this a successful gathering. I want to thank all our volunteers who gave so sacrificially of their time and energy. We had the opportunity to walk through our upcoming May 23, Pentecost Rally that will be hosted by Central Bible A/G. We will be sharing a lot more of those details with you in the coming weeks! The entire month of May promises to be an exciting and powerful month! Be sure to stay connected and don't miss a single service as we focus our attention on the Holy Spirit!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Missed Opportunities

Mark Batterson wrote in his book "Wild Goose Chase"... "in our churches we need people who are more afraid of missing opportunities than making mistakes. People who are more afraid of life-long regrets than temporary failure. People who dare to dream the unthinkable and attempt the impossible.

I concur wholeheartedly with his assessment. With opportunities seemingly surrounding us at every turn here in Miami. We need individuals who will live their lives intentionally. I don't want to exaggerate the challenge that is before us at Sunset Chapel. This includes all our churches here in the city. Some of the toughest soil and greatest resistance to the Gospel can be found here. But just because it's difficult and will require many attempts done in several creative and different ways. We cannot let the task overwhelm us or cause us to give up prematurely. The greatest victories are out there for us to grasp as we face head on our biggest challenges.

When you and I give ourselves wholeheartedly to a task that honors God. We become energized by the Holy Spirit and experience an adrenaline rush like nothing we've ever experienced before that brings an awesome sense of spiritual satisfaction at having accomplished a project that has God's approval and imprint all over it. An ultimate by-product of such endeavors is the opportunity to work alongside others in that task or ministry that produces a unique synergy and strengthens the Body of Christ!

Let's all determine to live life with our eyes wide open to the opportunities that surround us!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Today I found myself thinking about the subject of leadership. Specifically local church leadership. There are so many opportunities presented on a daily basis to excel or fail. Some decisions allow for a moment of pause to occur to enable a pastor to contemplate big-picture results and consequences. There are no unsacred moments. We can know that every moment is, in fact, touched by the presence of God. Whenever I find myself buried under the clutter of the urgent, the distracting, and the imbalance of an overloaded schedule. I find myself so appreciative of those precious moments to clearly hear the voice of God speak.

While I readily admit that I don't own a crystal ball that can see into the future. I am extremely grateful for the guidance that the Holy Spirit provides me in both the small and large choices that I sometimes find myself having to make. From personal experience I have learned that by seeking God on the small things, whenever the HUGE bridges have to be crossed He is there pointing the way and giving me the courage and confidence I need to lead this wonderful church He has called me to. Without a doubt I really love what I'm doing and I have an incredible passion to see our church grow!

I believe that as God has called me to this new and exciting place of ministry. And that as time progresses He is continually unpacking into my heart and spirit a new vision and strategy for Sunset Chapel. This afternoon I found myself studying a paragraph from one of my leadership books that I often reference, "Good to Great" authored by Jim Collins, that basically states that great leaders first got the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats..then they figured out where to drive the bus. The right people are your most important asset. The right people will do the right things and deliver the best results they are capable of.

I am extremely grateful for the team that God has assembled around me. They are all gifted and talented individuals. They are capable of producing outstanding results for God's kingdom. A specific goal that I believe the Lord has placed in my heart is to see them be provided with the best guidance and resources possible in order to be successful. I also believe in evaluating and measuring our results in order to find ways that improve our ministries. This morning I came across a tremendous article concerning measuring results and effort (check out his full article here) by Jeff Leake who serves as the pastor at Allison Park Church in Allison, Pa.

Pastor Jeff stated that when we measure results it gives a chance to celebrate our successes! We can enjoy the moment, affirm our team, our strategy, discipline, and approach. Pastor Jeff, also went on to admit that measuring results can be very scary. We all fear failure. No one likes exposing their weaknesses or lack of performance. Yet facing the facts of your true results is the only way to continual growth and constant improvement.

Just some random thoughts I am pondering upon today!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Splash!

*I think everyone enjoyed a great time worshipping @ Sunset Chapel today!
*Although I wasn't feeling my best, I gave my best in the service today!
*I have battled a virus that for two weeks has sapped my energy.
*Amazingly when I felt like I didn't have much to give, God showed up in a big time way in several people's lives! It always seems that God is able to use our nothingness in ways we never dreamed possible!

*It was a blast doing H2O Baptisms for the first time with our full ministry team! I love seeing people step up in their faith and boldly proclaim that Jesus is now a part of their lives!

*Today was also the the first time that I tag team preached with Pastor Adam Weatherly, our new Student Ministries Pastor. He did a great job! I am really glad that God brought him and his wife Bethany to Sunset Chapel! He's going to be a terrific communicator for God!

*We announced this morning details concerning our upcoming Spring Missions Emphasis! In two weeks ( April 25 ) we will welcome Rev. Mike Ennis to Sunset Chapel. Flag's from various nations will decorate our sanctuary and add to our focus on reaching the world with the Gospel. We will be sharing with everyone the vision we believe that God wants us to do. Together we'll examine the scriptures to see what God's plan for missions is...and how we are called to go "here", "there", and "everywhere". I am super excited about SC being able to make a difference on a global level!

*Next Sunday is going to be off the charts fun as we receive into church membership numerous people who have completed our new Membership Classes. Russ Barbour does a tremendous job facilitating this class! It is always a thrill to see God adding to the church!

*This week is already shaping up to be a very busy and productive week! I pray that you are all blessed!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happening This Weekend @ Sunset Chapel!

I will be going all out to make sure that the Gospel is clear to all our first-time guests. Keep doing whatever it takes to get your friends and family to church this weekend! You'll be hearing a new voice unpack a great biblical truth that God is on our side! ( I can't believe how deep my voice has gotten this past week as I struggled through with a severe head cold and virus! lol)

What pumps me up about Kid's Inc is that our children's first memories of church aren't "sit still and be quiet or your gonna get a whipping when you get home!"( I can still hear my mothers voice echoing in the back of my head.) But rather they will engage in teaching that is on their level about Jesus and experience it in a fun filled environment! Our kid's pastor, Kevin Mohammed (yes that's that's really his last name! I get a kick out of telling everybody Mohammed comes to SC every Sunday!) has a vision for the children of Miami. He knows that parents basically have two simple questions for their kids when they pick them up after church. The first is, "Did you have fun?" and the second one, "What did you learn?" Your child's answer will resonate with positive feedback! If your a parent check out what Pastor Kevin is doing with your incredible kids! He has a awesome team of volunteers that really make this ministry successful!

Last Sunday we saw nine people make decisions to follow Christ! It was such an outstanding conclusion to a great Easter service. This Sunday we will celebrate their decision along with many others in Water baptism. The Bible clearly teaches that Baptism is the next step after giving your life to Christ. We are ready to assist anyone who would like to participate spontaneously in this outward symbol of your inner commitment to follow Jesus!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunset Chapel is Growing!

Sunset Chapel we haven't even begun to see what God has purposed for us here! He continues to do some really cool things during our weekend services. If we will all keep our eyes riveted on Him and listen to His voice..the potential for SC is unlimited! God is putting a vision in our hearts that is HUGE! I love our city. As we unite together and pray for Miami, let's pray that God would open doors, show us opportunities, and use our influence to initiate change in people's hearts and lives.

This week invite someone to church with you. People come to church because other people invite them. We continue to see the greatest percentage of our guests show up on the weekend because they were invited by someone they knew. Don't give up on a person you've been trying to reach, get them here and we'll tell them about God's love!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Baptisms are proof that Sunset Chapel is being successful in carrying out The Great Commission!

Water Baptism is one of the most meaningful events in a person's spiritual journey.The Bible clearly teaches that baptism is the next step after giving your life to Jesus. Baptism is your chance to stand up and tell the world about your personal commitment to follow Jesus.

What is the meaning of Baptism?

*It illustrates Christ's burial and resurrection.
*Christ died for our sins...He was buried...and He rose again! (I Corinthians 15:3-4)
*For when you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and in Baptism you were also raised with Christ! (Colossians 2:12)
*It illustrates your new life as a Christian.
*When someone becomes a Christian, he or she becomes a brand new person on the inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun!

Who should be Baptized?
*All believers as soon as they have accepted Christ
*Those who believed...were baptized...that day! (Acts 2:41)
*There is no reason to delay!
*As soon as you have decided to receive Christ into your life, you can and should be baptized.

When does this occur?
The 2010 "Watermark" Baptism Experience will take place this coming Sunday, April 11th.

Can I be baptized with my spouse, child, or their family members?
Yes! If more than one member of your family is being baptized, we will have you come into the pool together to be baptized.

What should I wear?
Plan to wear your bathing suit or shorts with a t-shirt into the pool (we will provide you with a free t-shirt you can keep) once everyone has been baptized you will have access to the bathrooms in the 300 building to change into your dry clothes. Oh yeah, don't forget to bring a dry towel!

Who will baptize me?
In addition to being baptized by one of our Pastors and Leaders, we also welcome you to invite someone who has played a significant role in your decision to accept Christ and be baptized (friend, family member, parent, teacher, etc.) into the water to help baptize you!

Can I invite people to attend the baptism if they don't belong to Sunset Chapel?
Absolutely! We encourage you to invite your friends, family, co-workers, classmates, be a part of this special day! And don't forget to bring a camera so you can have someone take a photo during your baptism.

I pray that many will take the plunge this Sunday and acknowledge Christ in their lives. It will be one of the most phenomenal experiences of your life!

Is there someone you could invite to church this weekend who could use this experience? Your invitation could initiate one of the most important days of someones life. We will have numerous baptism kits (shirts, shorts, towels) prepared for those who want to spontaneously participate this weekend. This will be a BIG DAY at Sunset Chapel!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

You can click on image to enlarge the list.

Sunday Splash!

*Wow! What an awesome Easter weekend!
*I am in awe of what God did today in our service.
*I struggled with sickness all week and in spite of not feeling my best, God was absolutely AMAZING!
*I really appreciated the concerned individuals for slipping into my office this morning prior to the service to pray for me! It helped more than you know!
*We had so many new guests today and set a new attendance record as we busted through the 200 barrier!
*I know that what is taking place at Sunset Chapel is not a result of is God working through the many incredible people of our church.
*People invite people to church when they expect something HUGE to take place! Today we celebrated the resurrection of Christ and the "new life" that is taking place in our church. Emotions ran high as we saw 9 individuals cross the threshold of Easter opportunity and accept Christ into their hearts!
*With the record turnout today some obvious gaps occurred that we will want to address in the near future. I am so grateful to those who willingly arrived early today to assist us with our Easter service preparations. I want to give a special shout out to Lorraine Du Toit for stepping up and overseeing our greeter ministry teams. She is such a blessing and gift to SC!!
*Let me also thank each person who purchased Easter Lilies in honor or memory of someone special in their hearts that adorned our platform this morning! What a beautiful sight as everyone entered into our building! We will post that list separately.
*My heart continues to be encouraged as so many newcomers have started to make Sunset Chapel their church! Welcome!
*After the service and lunch, we returned home to a much needed nap. Then woke up and enjoyed a gigantic slice of pound cake that Kit Blankenship created! I really love how she takes care of me!!!
*I am anticipating God doing some additional great things next week as we celebrate Water Baptism at Sunset Chapel!
*Contact the church office to register to participate in this first "Watermark Experience" of 2010!
*I look forward to seeing you and your guests next Sunday @ SC!!!