Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday Splash!

We experienced another great day at Sunset Chapel! I am always amazed at how God allows thing's to come together! For the third straight weekend of 2010 we have seen our attendance continue to increase! There were a healthy number of new guests in our service! Everyone is doing a terrific job of spreading the word about SC and what God is doing here in Miami!!!!

I want to give a big shout out to Maritza Velez and her daughter, Laura who together created our awesome stonewall backdrop! It really helped me with the message as we focused on Nehemiah's "Call to the Wall"!! We are blessed to have such creative in house artists! I think everyone was able to visualize the task that God called Nehemiah to as one of great undertaking.

Nehemiah's calling to repair the ruins of Jerusalem was a result of Israel's sin and disobedience. Our lives experience so much pain and devastation as well when we don't build up the walls of our heart and mind to protect us from Satan's influences. Like our "Divine Mentor" we must become people of determination, courage and commitment. And like him we must anticipate that some serious obstacles and hindrances will come up against us. As people of God whenever we attempt great things for God, you and I must be prepared for great opposition. Nehemiah as a leader demonstrated outstanding leadership traits such as the ability to...

1.Model the Way
2.Inspire a Shared Vision
3.Challenge the Process
4.Enable Other's to Act
5.Encourage the Heart

The church always stands in need of men and women like that! It was such an encouraging sight to see everyone come forward at the conclusion of the teaching message and place your own personal " Call to the Wall" hopes and desires. Best of all, was the response of 4 individuals who made decision's to rebuild the ruins of their lives and allow God, The Wise Masterbuilder to come into their hearts and lay the foundation of His Son, Jesus Christ!

Let me also express appreciation to each one for the incredible response we received for the Haiti earthquake offering.Thank you for allowing God to prompt your heart to make a donation. I am so blessed to pastor such a wonderful and compassionate church! I will post later this week an update with the total we received and any updates that come into our office from our General Superintendent, Rev. George Woods. We will keep you posted concerning future opportunities to be involved in relief and recovery efforts. On that note, please keep Melissa Edwards in your prayers as she fly's to Haiti on Tuesday with her team of surgical doctors to assist with the challenging medical crisis there in Haiti.

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