Last night Shari and I were traveling to visit with one of the many great families from Sunset Chapel when we were quite unexpectedly nearly involved in a two car accident! Needless to say that moment grabbed our attention. We continued on to our destination and enjoyed a great night of laughter and encouragement! Then as we proceeded onwards toward our apartment another accident occurred in an intersection as the vehicle directly in front of us made a sharp turn into another oncoming car. We could feel the impact of the two vehicles as they collided together. It stunned us at first as we came to a complete stop in the middle of the same intersection. Shari lost it in a split second, the scene was to reminiscent for her as she instantaneously recalled her previous accident with our son's several years ago. Twice within hours God's grace and mercy had surrounded us. Once home, I began to "ponder" these near misses.
I must confess that the rest of the evening and throughout most of this day I have been deeply entrenched into
"subdued reflection". On Sunday as I shared another "Divine Mentor's" teaching message, we looked closely at Joseph.
Genesis 37:11 NIV it says.".His brothers, were jealous of him,but his father kept the matter in mind", other versions of that same scripture said...
AMP- "his father pondered over it"
KJV- "his father observed the saying"
Mess- "his father brooded over the whole business"
Luke 2:19 NIV I read this morning in our ministry team devotions..
"but Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart"
Mess- "Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself"
NCV- "Mary treasured these things and continued to think about them"
AMP- "Mary was keeping within herself these things (sayings), weighing and pondering them in her heart"
Subdued Reflection isn't usually an out loud conversation. It's an inside the mind conversation.
According to the American College Dictionary
"Subdued" means to repress (feelings, impulses, etc.); to tone down; to soften; to overpower by superior force;to overcome.
What can cause you to stop dead in your tracks? What can cease your thoughts from rambling and become riveted to just ONE THING?
What are the first thoughts you generally have when you waken from an evening of rest and sleep? Is there something you can't shake? Something you seem to always dwell upon? Something you're hoping for? Something you're dreaming about? Is there something that no one else knows or only a select few friends are aware of? How will it affect/change you if that thought becomes a reality? Will it be for good or for bad?
Proverbs 5:21 NIV says, "For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord and He examines all his paths".
Proverbs 21:2 NIV says, "All a man's ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs the heart".
I Samuel 16:7 NIV says, .."The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart".
And it says in
Ezekiel 36:26 NIV .."I will give you a heart of flesh"
A heart can be wronged, hurt, broken,
A heart can be made sorrowful, weighed down,
A heart can become grief-stricken,
A heart can also be encouraged, refreshed and lifted up!
Subdued Reflection in my opinion..begins in the heart. My heart today is filled with enormous gratitude to God who watches over me and my family on a daily basis. If there is any danger ahead, He is already there defending and protecting us. I cannot adequately describe with spoken words how my hearts feels at this moment. But I am pleased to know that the One who loves me most, can hear the
"reflections" of my heart today.