Thursday, March 5, 2009

Leadership Thoughts

Through out the scriptures there are numerous biblical examples of leading. These examples provide us with simple but powerful lessons that will help you become the leader you want to be. These individuals offer extraordinary stories, valuable guidance and practical wisdom essential for success in our present day challenges.

Here are some of those I discovered.

Moses-became a servant-leader when he obeyed God's call to go to Pharaoh and deliver a message "The Lord says, let my people go!"
Joseph-became a leader after God placed a vision in his heart to preserve His covenant people.
Gideon-never would have been a leader if he had not followed God's mission to deliver the tribes of Israel from the Midianites.
David-became a king when God, through Samuel anointed him king. He humbly followed God's plan and assumed the throne of Israel. He did not ask for it.
Isaiah-became a prophet/leader when God called him to take the message of hope and judgement to the people of Israel.
Nehemiah-became a remarkable leader when God commissioned him to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.
Esther-became a leader when God through Mordecai called her to stand before the king to protect the remnant of God's people.
Peter-became a leader in the early Church after Jesus commissioned him and the other Apostle's to make disciple's of all people.
Paul-led a clear mission to extend the boundaries of God's grace to those outside the Jewish faith.

As an avid reader I possess numerous books on the topic of "Leadership". Each one provides valuable insights, practical wisdom and powerful lessons that have enabled me to expand my capabilities in this critical area. There are several that I consider as must-read books that I would suggest you add to your own collection. You'll find them beneficial to you as you involve yourself in leadership within the church, your workplace, or in your own home.

"Developing the Leader Within You" by John Maxwell
"Lead Like Jesus" by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges
"You the Leader" by Phil Pringle
"The Leadership Challenge" by James Kouzes and Barry Posner
"You Don't Need a Title to be a Leader" by Mark Sanborn

Here are some leadership thoughts that I've observed.
*Leading is very likely the most costly thing you will ever do.
*The key to becoming a great leader is "servant hood" you can't lead without making sacrifices.
*Leaders anticipate "collisions" and they prepare to meet them head-on, no one can avoid them.
*The job of a good leader is to articulate a vision that others are inspired to follow.
*It's the leaders job to be the energy source that others feed from.
*It's through leading that I've known the greatest need for a deep, personal and abiding relationship with Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for recommending my book, You Don't Need a Title to be a Leader--I appreciate it!

Unknown said...

Look at've got the author himself posting a comment on your awesome is that?!

YOU are a great leader PR! It's evident that you've applied much of what you've gleamed from the wisdom of others, along with the lessons learned from your own experiences, and have developed your own style. It's the PR style and it's simply great!!!