There has never been a lack of difficulties or challenges within the church. And it has always been possible to overcome each crisis because the goals and attitudes of those in leadership are able to aim their efforts at the well-being of the church and the needs of the people within their community. Great challenges have always represented great possibilities. The church needs more good leaders, humble servants who not concerned with self-promotion or stuck on vested interests and old habits. Good leaders are scarce, there are plenty of openings but fewer and fewer good candidates.
Change has become a characteristic of our times. Keeping pace with these trends is one of the greatest challenges facing church leaders today. While many practices of the past were certainly correct and useful for their time, they are unusable and outdated today. An incorrect understanding of tradition, the tendency to insist on cherished habits, the reluctance to learn new things are all significant obstacles to development and relevance. We should not needlessly give up tried and true habits and practices, but we must also exhibit the courage to recognize the times in which we live and the change that is absolutely necessary to stay current and effective. Rigidity in thinking and an adherence to old habits invoke failure and can be very dangerous to the future well being and health of the church.
Good leaders aren't wedded to what they did yesterday. They remain open to new ideas. Neither are they afraid to make mistakes, because they know that "much learning" occurs in the process.
Good leadership is demonstrated by:
*Setting real priorities and real commitments.
*Grabbing hold of tough problems and not delegating them.
*Not allowing the guy "below" to make the hard decisions.
*Setting and demanding standards of excellence.
*Creating urgency..its always better to do something than to do nothing at all.
*Paying attention to the details (getting all the facts is the key to good decision making).
*Being committed and showing it.
*Being able to see failure as a stepping-stone to success.
*Last but not least..Play! You can't accomplish much of anything unless you're having fun!
Here are some additional outstanding resources that you will find very helpful.
"The Next Generation Leader" by Andy Stanley
"The Present Future" by Reggie McNeal
"Shift! Are you Relevant or just Recent?" by Bret L. Allen
"Dying for Change" by Leith Anderson
"Leading Change" by John P. Kotter
Pastor Russ,
Thank you for your blog. I always learn from your messages. They make me think. I just printed out todays and yesterdays to read over. Thank you
I was glad to read your blog and I totally agree with the content. I have learned a lot following your guidance. Thank for the blog
Which is why it's so hard to go on w/ out you at the helm! Your teaching and leading IS so relevant, that I often times thought you had God's hotline. Other times I just thought you had my house bugged. Pastor Jack Slappy is a dime a dozen. A true, un-compromising, whole truth teacher of God's word, who walks his talk... now that's rare. And that's what we have in you.
Good content Pastor... I have learned so much from you concerning the topic of Leadership. Keep it coming!
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