Recently I read another pastors blog and found that he too is a fan of John Maxwell's leadership materials. It is always interesting to see what someone else's take is on the subject of leadership. Here's what he observed regarding "Habit's of Highly Defective People" from John Maxwell.
*They have a losing attitude. People generally get what they expect out of life. Expect the worst, and that's what you will get.
*They quit growing. People are what they are, and they are where they are because of what has gone into their minds.
*They have no game plan for life. As William Feather, author of "The Business of Life" says, "there are two kinds of failures: Those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought".
*They are unwilling to change. Some people would rather cling to what they have rather than embrace what might be better because they are afraid of getting something worse.
*They fail in relationships with others. People who can't get along with others will never get ahead in life.
*They are unwilling to pay the price for success. The road to success is uphill all the way. Anyone who wants to accomplish much must sacrifice much.
Defective people contribute greatly to a climate of negativity wherever they find themselves. Effective leadership at times will be required to deliberately and intentionally confront these defective individuals and possibly remove them. By ignoring their influence the church or organization is at greater risk of experiencing tremendous damage. Thus immobilizing and suppressing the effectiveness, productivity, reputation and success of the church/organization.
Sure there are challenges all around. Yet people are screaming for leaders today. Leaders who will step up and do what's right. You can be one, and it may not take as much as you think. It means taking the first step out of that line to nowhere. Sure you'll raise some eyebrows. But then a few may follow, then a few more. And before you know it, people will be following your lead. The alternative is waiting and hoping for change to occur. Waiting and hoping that someone will finally stand up to the defective attitudes, actions and attitudes of those who spread the poison of negativity. I encourage you..take that first step and become an "indispensable leader"! I dare you!
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