*Our worship was one of the most anointed atmospheres we've experienced in some time! You could sense that people were really pressing in!
*Thanks Calvin De Bord for stepping in this week and leading us deeper into God's presence. A special shout out also to Michelle Mlacker for playing the keyboard for us this weekend! It was great to welcome back home Frederico Gosalvez and his gifted talents on the bass guitar..we missed you dude!
*Today I preached the second message in our new series "Building Your Dream Home". We discussed that it's our job as men to provide the right covering for our families! God gave this divine assignment specifically to us. Over and over we looked at several scripture passages that demonstrated the role and responsibilities we have as the head of our households. We are the ones who set the spiritual temperature in our homes. A better home requires us to become better men! We need to take our leadership to a new level and become men of faith, prayer and integrity! Guy's we can do this!!
*I was definitely caught off guard today while speaking when someone shouted out from the crowd "What was that verse you just gave?" I love the fact that people are tracking closely to the message!
*I am really looking forward to next week and sharing some insightful principles with everyone as we look to download our third message together in our new series "The Living Room-learning how to communicate"!! All of us could use some refinement in this critical area!
*I announced today that we are looking forward to participating in the Pen. Florida District's Men's Gathering to be held at Masterpiece Gardens in mid November. Cost is $40.00 per man and includes registration, lodging and meals. A sign up sheet is located in our foyer area or you can call the church to get your name on the list. I am looking forward to hanging out with the guy's from SC and receiving some great encouragement from some of our district's leading pastors!
*Ladies don't forget that a new Bible study just started for you on Thursday mornings at 10 am for fellowship, prayer and an in depth look into God's Word! Call the church office for additional details and directions!
*Today was the kick off to a new membership class taught by Russ Barbour. If you would like to know more about our beliefs, how to better your relationship with Christ, meet and make some new friends, then this class is for you! Once you've completed it you can apply for membership here at Sunset Chapel. I am really loving the growth that is taking place here at SC right now! Every week there is a constant stream of new faces in the crowd!
*Right now there are a lot of new opportunities available for people to connect together here at SC.
*Hey everybody have a blessed week!
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