Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Leading like Jesus

Recently all of our ministry leadership teams (pastors, deacon board, support staff, SCA school administrators and their spouses) met for a combined weekend to develop and sharpening our leadership abilities, clarify our roles and responsibilities, conduct some strategic planning and cast vision! I see each one of them as a gift from God to help me fulfill God's revealed vision for Sunset Chapel!! Our time together was both meaningful and significant in blending our hearts as we allowed God to form us into a spiritual team.

I shared with them that a core value of our church needs to be "excellence"...which does not mean perfection...but it does mean giving your best effort! I truly believe that God works through people who are willing to go all out for Him!!

We spoke about leading at the highest levels require us all to be willing to serve at the lowest levels first. A leader must touch the heart of others before it can ever ask them for a hand. Using the example in scripture of Christ washing his disciples feet each of us made the commitment to join "The Order of the Towel" and lead and serve like Jesus.

I am looking forward to seeing the results of this time spent together impacting our efforts and causing SC to become the church God fully intends for us to become. Please continue to keep all our leaders in prayer!

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