Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Replicating Christ

I loved watching our people take the necessary steps to draw closer to God. There is no doubt that during our prayer time God's presence showed up BIG TIME! People came forward with multiple needs and presented them to the Lord who has the solution to all our challenges and difficulties! There was a real consciousness that the Holy Spirit's power was being released around the altar! If you missed the service...YOU REALLY MISSED IT!!

Tonight we looked at 1 Thessalonians 1:4-9 and the zeal this new church plant exhibited in serving the Lord! The Apostle Paul was extremely ecstatic over the tremendous growth these young and energetic converts were making! He applauds them and holds them up as an example for others to follow. Everyone was talking about this new church! It was all positive conversation! Nothing negative was being expressed. 1 Timothy 4:12 says "Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." This is what the Thessalonians were doing!

Read Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 11:1 "Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ." Paul imitated Christ. The Thessalonians copied him. And all neighboring Christians took notice of them and replicated their lifestyle and works. That's how "EXAMPLE" spreads!

If we will love God completely and others unselfishly, then all our attitudes and actions will end up aligning with all the commands, instructions, guidelines and standards of God's Word.

A church is to bring people in, build them up, train them and send them out. I reminded our attenders tonight that when we leave the service and scatter throughout our city, like the Thessalonians we are to take God, His message, your testimony, your faith and His power with you AND GIVE IT AWAY!!

As long as there remains one person in the world who does not know Christ, the church has a mandate to grow. Growth is not optional. It is commanded by Jesus. We shouldn't seek church growth for our own benefit, but because God wants people saved! It never gets old watching individuals far from God come and surrender their lives to Him!!

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