Sunday Splash!
We experienced another God-crafted day at Sunset Chapel!We tweaked the service structure quite a bit. And I thought the new format went well. It allowed me to get right into the Word a lot quicker!Our worship team did a great job creating a very warm and vibrant atmosphere!Sunset Chapel is so blessed to have the musicians and vocalists who come ready to bring every weekend!We announced today that we are going to be putting together an Easter Praise Choir that will practice each Sunday during the month of March at 2:00 pm. Contact Douglas Flores and let him know that you would like to participate in this year's Easter Celebration service!God placed his searchlight on areas of our lives that we must clean up. Satan will do all in his power to create destructive cracks in our relationship with God. For centuries he hasn't changed and he continues to use with great success the same old deadly tactics to ruin lives and testimonies.All around us unchurched people are looking for authenticity. They can spot a poser or pretender a mile away. When Satan tries to appeal to your flesh to do something that is contrary to your professed life with Christ, all of us need to pause and ask God for his help in overcoming the temptations placed before us. At the end of the message God did some huge stuff in people's hearts this morning. The response at the conclusion was profound.
This past weekend I had the privilege to speak at the "Greater Things Conference" hosted by Central Bible A/G. Pastor David Stocker and his entire ministry team were simply outstanding as they hosted this terrific event! Hanging out with top-flight pastors and their church volunteers was a blast! I shared in one of the workshops concerning "Creative Prayer Ideas for Pastors". Prayer has been so instrumental in my life and ministry. Engaging people in this important area is a passion of mine.I always get amped up when I have the opportunity to invest the things that God has taught me with other pastors and leaders.It is a pleasure to have other pastors in the same city working together and supporting one another. I appreciate all my new Miami area pastor friends!SC I am so honored to be your pastor. It's been a great eight months, but I truly believe that our best days are still ahead of us!
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