Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Splash!

*Another solid week at Sunset Chapel.
*I had a great time connecting with people before and after our service today.
*I had the chance to drop in on our New Members class this morning!
*I really enjoyed the energy that was in their classroom!

*I can't believe how many ways God has blessed my life!
*I have a wonderful family, great friends, and a spectacular church. I'm literally living the dream!!
*Today one person committed to a relationship with Christ..that's why we do what we do!
*I am so grateful that lives are being changed every week at Sunset Chapel!
*That pumps me up!

*Stay hungry for more of God and keep inviting your friends to experience the life-changing power of God!
*We had several first time guests today..that always excites me and shows me that we are on the right track!
*Every week is someones first week at SC. I can't get that out of my mind tonight!
*Next weekend, could be the weekend that the person you invite, attends his or her first service at Sunset Chapel!
*Get obsessed with that thought...I am!

*I feel like we are getting predictable each weekend..considering the need to shake things up a bit.
*I intend to set aside some time for creative thought during this coming week as I prepare for next Sunday's message and service structure.
*Let me say "Thank You" to all of you who consistently pray for me and our family. Prayer is the key and we appreciate your prayers a great deal!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Pastor Russ, you've impacted our lives so & your sweet family, so I just can't imagine NOT including you in our daily prayers.