*The month of January has been a total blast!!
*Excitement about what the future holds for SC is spreading!!
*Every week during this first month of ministry in 2011 God has brought numerous new people to our church.
*Along with all the new guests there is a fresh and enthusiastic atmosphere in our services.
*Our series "Framing Your Destiny From God's Perspective" has had a huge impact on people's lives! Many have found their lives re-calibrated by God's affirmation and guidance!
*Watching and listening to everyone worship God with passion has thrilled my heart. I believe that God has favored us with His presence and power.
*Our worship team continues to bring their "A" game each week! Did anyone notice that our drummer was so blessed he lost his socks!!
*Again we observed people in our 10:30 AM service raising their hands and accepting Christ into their hearts and lives. THAT REALLY FIRES ME UP!! Here's an early heads up!! Mark your calendars for February 27th for our next Watermark Water Baptism Experience!!
*Did you know that our Kid's Inc. Ministry had 40 children and 7 volunteers this morning representing 25% of our attendance today!! I was informed that even 5 children accepted Christ into their hearts too!! WOW!!
*I can hardly wait to see what God has next for us!! The month of February will be just as exciting!! We will be rolling out a new series beginning Sunday February 13th! I can't wait to share with you what God has been speaking into my heart! I promise you that it will be good!!
*More life groups start up this week. Be sure to contact the church office to find one near you! *Elevate your life and join the journey of life with others!!