Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Splash!

*I am so grateful for all that God is doing here at Sunset Chapel!
*It was thrilling to see our church so full today!
*Let me give a BIG shout out to both our usher and greeter teams!
*They were both stretched today!
*Special thanks to Frances Watkins, Neyda Teijeiro, Tracey Rowsey and their army of volunteers who conducted our Missionettes "Mad Hatter Tea Party" and sleepover!! Nearly all the girl's and their parents were in the service today! This ministry to girl's Kindergarten through Eighth grade are hitting their stride and growing by leaps and bounds!! Having 42 girls in this age bracket really brought a new energy to our service!!
*Our worship team sounded great today! Cherisse Graham really has some pipes and did an awesome job singing "In Christ Alone"!! The whole team consists of a very special bunch of gifted and talented individuals!! I love what they do for God!!
*I knew that today was going to be a very special day for someone! It was an incredible day for two individuals who crossed the line of faith and accepted Christ into their hearts!!
*I am thinking about scheduling a early December water baptism service! It never gets old seeing people far from God draw near to Him!!
*It was cool to have Sherri Jordan come up and invite everybody to SCA's Fall Festival this Friday November 19th from 4-8 pm!! There will be lot's to do for the whole family to enjoy!! Great food, fun and activities!! I hope to see you there!!
*This will be one of the busiest weeks ever here at SC, please keep our ministry team in your prayers as we prepare for next weekends All Church Thanksgiving Dinner!! Lot's of little details and behind the scene preparations still to be completed!!
*I also announced our upcoming Candlelight/Communion Service to be held on Wednesday Nov. 24 at 7:00 pm. This very special Thanksgiving service is unique and meaningful as people will sharing about how thankful they are for God's blessings in their lives and homes!! I encourage you to make this service a family tradition during this holiday!! You will be blessed!!
*I am really looking forward to the combined response to our partnership with Convoy of Hope and the "One Day To Feed The World" initiative! Everyone is asked to go to their workplaces this Thursday Nov. 18th, work for the Lord and donate that days wage to this special effort!! Please bring your offering with you next Sunday Nov. 21st!! Online giving is available on the church website as well at

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