Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Splash!

*Today's service was so meaningful to so many this morning. The Holy Spirit's presence just resonated throughout our building! As Pentecostals we must understand, embrace and follow the Holy Spirit's direction in our lives!
*The worship music today was outstanding! Thanks to Douglas and the team for putting their whole heart into it! I am grateful to their commitment to glorify the Lord! And I am disappointed when I know that there are others who are gifted with musical and vocal abilities and they aren't using them. Commitment to use our gift's whatever they may be seems to be an area God is thrusting me to address in a future message. If God is speaking to you and telling you it's time to step up and participate on our worship team, then please contact Douglas Flores at the church to get connected!
*My heart was bursting at the seams with joy this morning as two individuals were baptized in the Holy Spirit! The altar time at the conclusion of my message was off the hook!! Seeing people passionately pursue God without any concern for the clock was inspiring!! It is such a rush to see The Holy Spirit take over a service!!
*If the Lord isn't with us, we have no chance to escape the pitfalls of life or ward off the enemy's attacks. God is the only source able to meet our spiritual and physical needs. That's why He sent the Holy Spirit to us! The Holy Spirit comes to assist, support, promote, back, uphold, encourage, aid, facilitate the believer! God's watchful eye is always upon us! No matter what we are lacking, the Holy Spirit is able to come alongside of us and provide us with the strength and wisdom we need to live a victorious life for Christ!!
*I was extremely delighted to inform and congratulate all our SC attenders on their response to our recent missions giving emphasis! For the past two weeks we have received over 1800.00 towards missionary support around the world! For a small church that is an incredible response!! You guys ROCK for JESUS!! Speaking of missions we are getting closer to our June 13 "Barefoot Sunday"! We are partnering with Samaritans Feet an organization that provides children around the world with a pair of shoes. Our ministry team with be serving the Lord in our bare feet on that Sunday to bring attention to this need. Each person is requested to bring a pair of shoes for a child to receive during the service that we will dedicate to the Lord! We are trusting that this act of compassion and love will touch that child's heart and that they will have the opportunity to become a Christ follower!
*We made available to everyone in attendance today a flyer that announced next weeks "Pentecost Rally" to be hosted @ 6 pm by Central Bible A/G located at 1300 S.W. 87th Ave. This will be an exciting evening of Pentecostal worship and preaching!! You don't want to miss this event!! I encourage you to arrive early and ready for God to do something absolutely amazing in your life!!!
If you are interested in participating in the mass choir contact the church office to obtain copies of the sheet music, cd and practice schedule! I would love to see dozens of SC people in that choir!!
*Today marks our third day to fast together! Already we have seen the results in our service this morning of having determined to seek God individually and corporately to draw nearer to God. I am so proud of you for making the decision to fast! I am literally speechless over how serious all of you are in taking the fast. I can't wait to hear of the awesome stories of blessing that God provides you with!!!
*OK that's enough rambling. Have a blessed week!!

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