Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I have asked all our Sunset Chapel attenders to join our leadership team in a ten day season of prayer and fasting! It's my belief that we will all experience spiritual breakthroughs as we participate in this fast!

As you fast I'm encouraging you to also read through the Book of Acts and spending ample time in prayer during the time you would usually eat.

*You can fast for a day or two, or all ten days, whichever the Lord puts on your heart.
*You can fast for a specific time period (like from 5 pm one day to 5 pm the next day).
*You can fast from a particular meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner).
*You can fast from a particular type of food.
*You can fast from something other than food (like maybe tv, movies, facebook, twitter).

Whatever we fast from it should remind us of our desperation for God! Without Him filling us with His Spirit and touching our hearts nothing significant will happen the weekend of May 23rd, @ 6 pm as we gather together with hundreds of other Christians at Central Bible A/G for a city- wide Pentecost Rally!

Prayer is all about connecting with God. Prayer releases His power and moves Him to accomplish what we could never do on our own. I can't wait to see what happens!

God quickened my heart to lead our church in this time of seeking Him with greater intensity and to prepare us for an awesome outpouring of His Holy Spirit! On Wednesday May 12th, during our mid-week Prayer service @ 7 pm I will be sharing about the importance of prayer and fasting. I hope you will make the extra effort to join us for this great Prayer Service! Let's show up anticipating great things!

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