Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Splash!

Today convinced me that I need to carve out more creative thought time in my schedule to prepare weekend messages better. The video's, power points and props really allowed the message to hit home with many today. It was wonderful watching God work in our church especially around the altar. He's bringing people in from all walks of life and I love it! We had so many new guests in the service. I hope they will all come back again next week! We have double digit connection cards to add to our database tomorrow. That really excites me!!

Today's "Rescue" message should be a reminder to us all that God wants us to get involved. It's time for action with so many people hurting and far from Him. I think preaching today wearing a Miami-Dade Fire fighter's uniform helped to focus our attention on the fact that there is a sense of urgency. People are dying daily without Christ and will spend eternity in the flames of hell. We must combine our efforts and resources to reach as many as possible! Christ came to earth to release and remove people from danger. God wants everyone to experience that rescue! It was so awesome to observe 4-5 people accept Christ's offer today!

I want to also thank all those who also donated blood today to the Community Blood Centers of South Florida. Their representative was extremely pleased with the response of so many. I gave for the first time ever! Thanks to all those who stayed after the service to watch a grown man cry!! It is a known fact in my family that I dislike needles very much. It didn't help that I flinched when the nurse stuck me the first time and I had to have her stick me a second time in my other arm! But hey I found out that I was able to help three people who would need that blood! They even gave me a really cool T-shirt to wear after I gave my pint!

I am so thankful to pastor such a caring and committed church! Thanks for all you do to make ministry happen at Sunset Chapel! It was a great day! Be blessed!

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