Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Series

Our next series "The Blessed Life" is all about money. A key to financial freedom isn't getting "more" from God but rather managing what He's already blessed us with! Why a teaching on money? Because marriages are torn apart by it, people lose hope because of it, and the Bible has a lot to say concerning it!! Sadly many pastors remain silent concerning this subject, others apologize whenever the topic comes up and tension seems to just build up whenever it is addressed. Jesus called His disciples to follow Him. He wanted all of them (body, mind, spirit). He expects us to give Him all of us, our best, our first- fruits and not our leftovers!! We must be careful not to let our finances crowd God out of our lives. We must keep Him first at all times and in every area of our lives.

God is an incredible giver (John 3:16) who gives indescribable gifts (II Corinthians 9:15). Some people claim they cannot afford to tithe . . . Shari and I have discovered that we cannot afford not to! I am looking forward to sharing with you some resources that have encouraged us to remain faithful to God's purposes in this area. We have seen God's provision and blessings come time and time again in our home. For those of you who give consistently and generously to the work of the Lord at Sunset Chapel . . . THANK YOU! You are assisting us in fulfilling the Great Commission here in Miami.

Many of you have stated you want to get a handle on this area of your life, but things have only continued to get worse not better. You have trapped yourself into a deeper rut by transferring credit card balances, making only minimum payments, you have become a slave to Master Card/Visa, car payments, and to a house you are struggling to afford. The only way to use credit and not get into trouble is to use it responsibly. That means you shouldn't buy things you cannot pay for. Do not let your pride keep you from attending this four week teaching series. Pride will keep you from admitting that you have a financial problem. This is the opportunity to do something about it . . . . and NO . . . . you don't have to be a Sunset Chapel member or regular attendee to learn God's principles and have your eyes open to God's promise of a life of blessing.

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