Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Most Important Meeting!

A substantial number of people have begun to make our Wednesday Prayer Service a meaningful practice to attend. Prayer is a priority here at Sunset Chapel. It has become the most important service of the week. SC is experiencing prayer bathed growth in numerous ministry areas.

We initially walked between our rows of seats and prayed throughout the sanctuary that all who enter and exit would experience the power and the work of God in their lives. We are convinced that what we are experiencing in our weekend services is a direct result of God's involvement and guidance in all that we do.

If we are to effectively reach individuals who are far from God in the Miami area, then prayer is non-negotiable to us. We firmly believe that a church that doesn't fervently and intentional pray will not see God move in it's midst. We have come to believe that prayer is essential to our future success as a church.

Our prayer service is intentionally designed to engage each person in attendance. Without exception, time is purposely set aside for people who attend to be prayed for. Also the needs of others that have been submitted to us are taken into the Lord's presence.

The following isn't an exhaustive list by no means,but here are some benefits of having a consistent prayer life:
*Prayer reminds us of our mission as a church
*Prayer reminds us of our dependence on God
*Prayer keeps us from becoming powerless
*Prayer refreshes our hearts and spirits
*Prayer produces results for the Kingdom of God
*Prayer removes all forms of despair, fear, and worry
*Prayer bonds us together as the Body of Christ
*Prayer creates clear focus
*Prayer creates the still moments necessary to listen to God's voice without distractions or disruptions
*Prayer produces passion to become productive for God's purposes
*Vigorous prayer withstands the insidious attacks from Satan
*Prayer produces contentment and stability in a persons life

(Feel free to add to this list by leaving your comments for others to see and become encouraged)

Sunset Chapel moves forward towards it's God-purposed future on it's knees!!! There's always room for more knee buddies to join us every Wednesday at 7 PM.

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