Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Letting Go

Following Christ means giving up control. The more I exercise faith in my life the more I realize that I have to trust God for EVERYTHING! The longer I live on this earth I've also come to the point that I don't always see things the same way He does... nor do I understand everything thats going on around me. God's sight is much better than mine. He sees well past the horizon my eyes are limited to. Looking backwards to reflect intentionally on my past helps me to also note that during my lifetime I've made some poor choices and had more than my fair share of faulty decisions. But God has never EVER made a mistake. Even when I can't sense His presence... He has been at work upstream in my life. Once you and I make the decision to get out of the way and give up control of our lives.... God gets busy in our life situations. Let me encourage you today to "Let Go And Let God Be In Control!"

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