Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Outreach!

Summer signals the beginning of family outings & vacations, grilling season, excursions to Disney World, and for many churches, a dip~not in the ocean here in South Florida, but in our weekly attendance numbers.

Instead of fighting the reality that a great many of our current attendees will often be missing. We are scheduling six solid chunks of time to reach out to the numerous unchurched families that are in the vicinity of our church during this extended summer season.

These creative summer outreaches will allow us to step away from our regular day to day routines and give us new perspectives and the opportunity to build new relationships as we take God's message outside the confines of our local church straight into the neighborhoods of Miami!

As the summer of 2010 begins, we are looking at this as an opportunity to pull out all the stops and create an interest in Sunset Chapel as well as convey real hope to families.

Because SC is still transitioning towards our new vision we don't have all the resources we need to accomplish our goals completely. We are eager to create six unforgettable experiences for kids that will heighten their interest in our fantastic kids ministry here at SC!!

So I've am taking advantage of using all my social networking opportunities to inform as many of my friends as possible about our efforts to reach the unchurched and to extend to them an opportunity to invest in the great ministry here at Sunset Chapel and to provide a boost of encouragement to our outreach volunteers as we endeavor to make a dent into the 92% of people living in Miami who don't attend church anywhere!

Would you prayerfully consider making a one-time gift to support this Kingdom building effort to reach children and adults who are far from God? Your partnership would be greatly appreciated. I can't thank you enough for considering praying and financially assisting us. Please go to the homepage of and click on the "Online Giving" icon. Just follow the easy steps to make a contribution in the "other" box, then print "Summer Outreach" in the second box beside your indicated donation amount. All donations are tax deductible and will be used exclusively for our summer outreach efforts. If you have any additional questions please contact my Administrative Assistant Frances Watkins @ 305-271-4094 Ext. 103. Please know that there is no pressure. We believe this will be a great blessing to families with children in Miami, but also an incredible investment for the Kingdom of God.

We look forward to the summer months and witnessing God at work in people's lives, leading them through breakthroughs and blessings! We will continue throughout the sizzling summer months to keep everyone updated on what God is accomplishing in our city!

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