Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Splash!

What a great day! Our worship team did a wonderful job setting the tone for today's service. They definitely brought their "A" game! It's so good to see people enjoying the presence of the Lord!

Let me also acknowledge our volunteers! Thanks for staying committed and serving so extremely well all our attendees here at Sunset Chapel. We just missed setting a new attendance record this morning! Their were so many newcomers today. It was unbelievable! You can sense the momentum building in our services!

Today's message resonated loud and clear. I think there were moments you could even hear a pin drop on the carpet. It was so quiet as people listened intently to the message. Today's message was probably one of the most challenging I've given at SC. I recognize as a pastor I am called to preach the truth in love and grace. Sometimes the messages are heavy, but they cannot be neglected. For full spiritual development to occur in the lives of people I am devoted to, it's imperative that I speak about the whole gospel.

Today four adults made decisions to accept Christ today! That was fantastic! I always trust that the Holy Spirit is working in hearts and changing people's lives!

Have a blessed week!

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