Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Reflections!

We continued our "Road to a New Destiny" series. Pastor David and the worship team provided great music and an amazing worship experience. I'm so grateful for our team of pastors. There is such a great chemistry among us. I'm also grateful for the quaility people that surround me in ministry who are pouring their lives, time and energy into Bethel Temple. All of our volunteers in ministry are exceptional people!!

I hope you enjoyed the magnificent presence of the Lord as much as I did. It's so cool to make a divine connection like that. I love being in church on Sundays! I never know who's going to show up. But every person who walks through the doors at Bethel Temple has a divine appointment with God. And for one mom and her son, Sunday was an incredible experience as they both crossed the line of faith and accepted Christ into their hearts!

As we continue to live in uncertain times. People everywhere are looking for stability. I'm asking everyone who calls Bethel Temple their church home to make our services a priority as we all try to make sense of what's going on around us. We serve a God who is constant and always reliable. He cares about you. He offers hope, practical help and real encouragement to us all. Make it a point in the coming week to invite someone you know to join with you this next Sunday!

I hope you have a remarkable week as you go about your normal routines and schedules.

This week I'm praying for a little extra grace and a little extra strength. I appreciate your prayer! I will be praying for you as well!


Lori said...

Our family has made it a priority to pray for you, your family & all the pastors @ BT daily. We are so blessed by your insight and direction every week! We really thank God that we have an awesome set of pastors that care for us so much!! :)

Pastor Dave said...

You are so right about Sunday's service. God really shook the house. It's so amazing how God is really moving in our church. Kristi and I will keep ya in prayer.

Unknown said...

Pastor Russ and Team, Tammy and I continue to keep you and your families in prayer at this stressful time. Your insight, direction and God-lead leadership are refreshing each Sunday and we truly appreciate and Thank God for giving us such a wonderful Pastor and staff to lead us each week. We look forward to seeing you in Bible Study on Wednesday as well as to see what God has in store for us on Sunday. You are doing an AWESOME job and we LOVE you all. God Bless, Matt & Tammy

Anonymous said...

YOU are an amazing example to the leadership team that God has placed under you. They continue to grow and function in their ministries in large part because you pour into their lives each an every day. You exemplify before them the true heart of a pastor, not just a preacher. You’re a wonderful example to the sheep that God has entrusted to you here at Bethel. You constantly amaze me. I tell Shari so all the time.

You’re messages for the past 3 weeks have been on point…words from the heart of God to us, no question about it. Thank you! Thank you for loving us and caring about us and desiring to see us grow in Christ. Thank you for the tremendous sacrifices you have made and continue to make for BT. Thank you for your strength and endurance. Thank you for being exactly who God has called you to be!

You are in my prayers always…I hope you know how much I love you, Shari, Calvin and Randall!

Anonymous said...

Pastor Russ - Thank you for your obedience to God and for bringing us these sermons! We are so blessed! You are truly a pastor who loves and cares for his sheep - what an inspiration! Your caring and love mean more to us than you will ever know. We are so blessed to have become a part of BT! We are praying for you, Shari, Calvin and Randall and the leadership team at BT! What a great group!

Looking forward to another inspiring message Sunday!

Unknown said...

I am very blessed to have been called to be part of Bethel Temple. I wanted to thank you for touching my heart this Wednesday during your teaching on Naomi and God's hand in our lives. As a Christian, I know that everything happens for a reason, but as you said, I have found myself asking, "Why me?"

I have been feeling that a lot in the last few days with a trial that I am going through at my place of work.

Thank you for the reminder that we are not the author's of our stories, God is and He is writing an amazing one.

God bless you and your family.