Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Talk is cheap!

Incredible! Breaking News! The Greatest Ever! Everyday we are inundated with a flood of extravagant claims as we flip through the pages of our favorite magazines or surf the zillion channel choices on our flat screen televisions! For a small investment we can own the trendiest and most fashionable clothes, possess whiter teeth, eat the tastiest foods, drink the world's finest beverage and drive the fastest, sleekest, most upgraded vehicle ever!! And all these are "guaranteed" to bring you instant friendships, happiness and success!! BUT TALK IS CHEAP!!

Christians make a lot of claims too! Jesus is the Answer! Believe in God! Follow me to Church! Often we are guilty of living OPPOSITE of our claims. Our ACTIONS and ATTITUDES don't line up with our words. Possessing all the right answers many are contradicting the Gospel with their lives. TALK IS CHEAP!!

"Dear friends, do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it?" James 2:14 (MSG). The truth and reality of our faith... is in a "CHANGED LIFE!!" Genuine faith... SHOULD INEVITABLY PRODUCE GOOD WORKS!

I want to invite you to join us as we kick off our brand new study on the "Book of James" Wednesdays @ 7 PM!! CONFRONTATION, CHALLENGE, and COMMITMENT await you on every single page of this practical letter to Christ followers! Bring your Bible, pen and a journal each week to write down the valuable insights I will be sharing with you! This letter was written to help us UNDERSTAND and ATTAIN spiritual maturity in our lives! This will be good!

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