Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bring Me a Musician!

I follow a number of pastor's who keep blogs. I glean from them creative ideas and valuable insights. Not long ago Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church located in Washington, D.C. area posted on his blog the above statement. Here's some of what he wrote:

"I love 2 Kings 3:15 for lots of reasons, first of all, we're praying that God brings us more musicians as we prepare to launch our sixth location. So we're literally praying:"now bring me a musician".

But I also love what it models. Music creates an environment where the prophetic can take place. Here's the context. The king of Israel comes to Elisha asking for revelation and Elisha asks for musicians. Somehow the music stimulated his spirit in a way that unleashed his gift. And it says: "when the musicians played, the hand of the Lord came upon him."

I think we need to create environments that foster revelation. We need to put ourselves in places where God can speak to us. We need to feed our spirits in ways that unleash the gifts of God in us."

While Sunset Chapel isn't growing at the identical pace of National Community Church we too are seeing numerical and spiritual growth take place! I have watched with total amazement the exciting stream of guests and newcomers that have connected to SC in recent weeks! With that growth comes additional challenges and opportunities. We are continuing to seek for ways to improve our weekend worship services. We have identified several key areas that need to develop and expand as we endeavor to minister to the needs of our growing church. One of the most critical areas is in our music ministry. We currently need musicians who play keyboard, wind instruments, drums and guitars. As we continue to follow God's vision for Sunset Chapel we want to position ourselves to be prepared to respond to His guidance! With that in mind I am praying 2 Kings 3:15!!! If you're presently attending Sunset Chapel or your looking for a place to use your talents for God please contact me at the church office (305-271-4094).

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