Friday, July 30, 2010

Winston Park This Saturday!

Join us Saturday at Winston Park 8100 SW 132nd Ave. 11:00AM to 2:00PM This is the final "Park Party" of the summer and it takes place in Wayne and Frances Watkins neighborhood! We have enjoyed meeting new kids and parents each week as we've canvassed homes and participated in our fun-filled outreach events. Volunteers, please arrive at the church and meet in the kids chapel at 9:00AM. Come on out and help us reach our neighborhoods for Christ!

Monday, July 26, 2010

NewComers Coffee Tomorrow @ 7:00 PM

Recently, if you came to check-out Sunset Chapel during one of our Sunday worship experiences! To say thank you for being our guest, I want to personally invite you to come and have a free Starbucks drink of your choice on us!

Tuesday night, July 27, from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm the Staff of Sunset Chapel will be at the Starbucks on 7708 N. Kendall Drive. We invite you to drop by and say hello and have Starbucks on us. If you would like to stay and meet the Staff, we are available to answer any questions you may have about SC, or if you just want to stop in to get your free drink, we would love for you to stop by. This is our way of letting you know how much we appreciate you being our guest at Sunset Chapel.

If there is anything that we can do to help you please contact our office at 305-271-4094. I hope to see you Tuesday night!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Splash!

God continues to rock more lives here in Miami! It's been an incredible weekend. Our fourth neighborhood summer outreach was a huge success. We were able to make numerous connections with lots of great people! Expectancy is on the rise as we finish out the final weeks of summer!

We saw several new guests again today in our service. Best of all, one of them crossed the line of faith at the conclusion of my message. We are in the midst of seeing that occur in every weekend service and I never tire of seeing it happen! I believe heaven erupts in celebration each time that happens!

Our worship team really rocked the house today! Welcome Tim and Bryan - your added musical talents were an answer to prayer-literally! Everyone did a great job and allowed us to enter into a new realm in praise and worship!!

This next weekend July 31st we will host our final summer outreach at Winston Park (8100 SW 132nd Ave). Let me give a huge shout out to all our dedicated and hard working volunteers. We've knocked on over 1000 homes thus far in four neighborhoods, distributed some excellent materials about SC and invited families to join us for an afternoon of excitement and fun in their neighborhood park. Pastor Kevin has presented a very engaging message that has had every ones attention. And the results of these outreaches we believe will continue on for many weeks to come! Our volunteers have stepped up in huge ways as we've canvassed these neighborhoods and conducted each outreach. I'm extremely proud of each one of you for your contributions!

We wrap up our summer outreaches with huge plans for Sunday, August 8th. Pastor Kevin, our children's pastor, will be conducting a great children's service with lots of games, giveaways, and another outstanding message that kids can relate to. At the end of our service time we will gather outside for a summer "WaterMark" experience as we anticipate numerous participants to follow Christ's example to become baptized in water. We'll be distributing free "WaterMark" t-shirts to each participant. After all that, the kids can play on the inflatables and we will be serving up snow cones, popcorn and cotton candy to all! Join us as we celebrate God's goodness to Sunset Chapel!!

This morning we took up an offering to assist us in defraying the expenses of these outreaches. Let me thank you for supporting our efforts into our city. Our goal is always to introduce our community to Christ and to what He is doing here at SC. If you missed the service and were unable to make a contribution, you can do so with an online donation! Thank you for helping Sunset Chapel grow and fulfill God's Great Commission!!

Get your friends to Sunset Chapel next weekend! Who do you need to invite and bring with you? I cant wait to meet your guests and I cant wait to introduce them to Jesus! We'll start together a new series called, "Thirst". Many people are parched in their heart and souls and I'm excited to offer "living water" to each person in attendance!!

This morning I made a Great Big Announcement . . . that on August 15th - 18th we will host revival services with evangelists Rudi and Sharon Swanepoel, from South Africa. They will literally bless your socks off! You don't want to miss a single one of these powerful services! Mark it on your calendars right now. DO IT RIGHT NOW! Spread the Word lets pack out our church with people ready for God to show up and move in their lives!! Hope you all have a great week! And this Tuesday night @ 7:00 PM I am looking forward to hanging out with all our "new-comers" at STARBUCKS located at 7708 N. Kendall Drive!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Introducing Our New Preschool Director! Pilar Altare-Martin

I am excited to introduce to you our newest team member here at Sunset Chapel/Sunset Christian Academy!

Pilar Altare-Martin has been in business management since 1991, through the years she gained experience in managing personnel, negotiating vendor contracts, supervising engineering staff as well as providing oversight to support staff, planning budgets, creating financial reports, and overseeing client relations. Mrs. Altare-Martin began her involvement in the educational field in early 2004. As a result of her volunteer work and a passion for both of her children, her career goals have changed.

Prior to joining Sunset Christian Academy, Mrs. Altare-Martin worked at the UBC Child Development Center in Coral Gables, Florida. Mrs. Altare-Martin will be joining Sunset Christian Academy in August 2010. Her responsibilities include the administration and oversight of our Preschool. She looks forward to working closely with families and their children to ensure academic success.


Welcome to the Team Pilar!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bring Me a Musician!

I follow a number of pastor's who keep blogs. I glean from them creative ideas and valuable insights. Not long ago Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church located in Washington, D.C. area posted on his blog the above statement. Here's some of what he wrote:

"I love 2 Kings 3:15 for lots of reasons, first of all, we're praying that God brings us more musicians as we prepare to launch our sixth location. So we're literally praying:"now bring me a musician".

But I also love what it models. Music creates an environment where the prophetic can take place. Here's the context. The king of Israel comes to Elisha asking for revelation and Elisha asks for musicians. Somehow the music stimulated his spirit in a way that unleashed his gift. And it says: "when the musicians played, the hand of the Lord came upon him."

I think we need to create environments that foster revelation. We need to put ourselves in places where God can speak to us. We need to feed our spirits in ways that unleash the gifts of God in us."

While Sunset Chapel isn't growing at the identical pace of National Community Church we too are seeing numerical and spiritual growth take place! I have watched with total amazement the exciting stream of guests and newcomers that have connected to SC in recent weeks! With that growth comes additional challenges and opportunities. We are continuing to seek for ways to improve our weekend worship services. We have identified several key areas that need to develop and expand as we endeavor to minister to the needs of our growing church. One of the most critical areas is in our music ministry. We currently need musicians who play keyboard, wind instruments, drums and guitars. As we continue to follow God's vision for Sunset Chapel we want to position ourselves to be prepared to respond to His guidance! With that in mind I am praying 2 Kings 3:15!!! If you're presently attending Sunset Chapel or your looking for a place to use your talents for God please contact me at the church office (305-271-4094).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Heating up in Miami!

While many churches decide to slow down during the summer months. Here at Sunset Chapel we are attempting the unexpected! First we are kicking off a new summer series called "Breaking Free"! I am stepping outside the box a little bit to share some thought provoking messages from God's perspective concerning some troubling areas within our lives! The goal is to provide some creative solutions to these struggles that everyone can benefit from. God's Word is our blueprint for living a changed life!

Secondly, we are establishing traction towards growth with a half dozen children's outreaches into Miami neighborhoods. We are trying to reach out to new families and to expose them to our fantastic children's ministry.

I have a great expectancy in my heart that God is going to accomplish some incredible things during the summer of 2010! I believe that people will show up during the summer months because we're being intentional in trying to reach them!

Each weekend during the next two months could be a life changer for someone!! I hope that God will place someone on your heart to invite to Sunset Chapel. Don't just tell them about SC. That's informing them. Text them, facebook them, even call them! Say "Listen, I will be by to pick you up. We'll go to Starbucks, Panera Bread, Chipotle or wherever after the service!" There are countless restaurants within a 5-10 mile radius of our church campus to choose from.

You are the best marketing strategy we have and I pray that you are investing in the lives of others. I also pray that all our Sunset Chapel attendees become more bold and step out in faith in inviting others to join them for a weekend worship experience.