Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter's Hope-"Portrait of Christ"

I loved this video as I was thinking about the brilliance of Easter's message! There has never been a time better than right now to invite people to what God offers and is doing!

David Garibaldi Paints @ CBN Christmas Party from Mike O'Neal on Vimeo.
Easter is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated events on our Christian calendar. On Good Friday Christ agonized on the cross for six hours. Jesus was God's only Son and He gave Himself for every one of us. Focus on that and the fact that the message of the cross is one of hope! The incredible promise of Easter is that we don't have to go through life's challenges and circumstances alone. It seems that people everywhere are in desperate situations. Every day someone else is losing their job, losing their home and losing hope. Life is so full of changing circumstances and challenging moments. Our feelings can plummet with every negative experience that comes our way. When life seems to be upside down and you're crushed and cloaked with the heaviness of discouragement may I remind you to look to the cross. Your hope is in Christ! Though right now you may be living in the midst of turbulence the cross reminds us that Jesus died so that He could redeem us and always remain near our side. May His glory surround you this Easter weekend!


Sunset Kids said...

You continue to amaze and challenge me! i know you are so anxious to preach especially this sunday! But i thank you that no matter our circumstances you continue to cling to the cross and put our hope in Christ! i love you and may you be blessed abundantly this weekend!!!

Unknown said...

I love these little sermonettes (is that spelled right?) that you bless us with. You may not be in the pulpit at the moment but you're still pouring into our lives. We're better for it and thankful for you!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the words and the video. We just watched it as a family and were all touched. I was just talking to a loved one who I am encouraging to turn to Christ and I found myself telling her exactly what you wrote....I told her that giving our lives to the Lord didn't mean that we wouldn't go through any challenges or difficulties, but rather that it meant that when we did, we wouldn't have to do it alone. What a promise! I am so blessed and thankful this Easter season. We miss you and Shari and send our love.