Thursday, October 11, 2012

This past Sunday was intense. There were some definite God-moments that occurred. As our "order of service" veered off track. It was quite noticeable to all in attendance that the Holy Spirit had taken us deeper into the presence of God. There was nothing awkward or uncomfortable about it. People gathered around our altar area with their hands raised, worshipping from their hearts, we all had our gaze fastened upon Christ! It was an incredible sight as people called out to God for their marriages, struggles, faith and future!

Pray today for those who have not yet experienced the hope of Christ. In fact, start praying today for those people in your life who need to find a sense of family and invite them to Sunset Chapel this weekend. Don't say "no" for your friends... allow them to do that for themselves. Let's get ready for an amazing Sunday of life-change!!!

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