Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Splash!

Today was another great day in the rebuilding of Sunset Chapel! We are beginning to hit our stride and run the race that God has prepared for us as a church! I love the preferred future He is revealing to all of us! For a number of weeks I've been sharing about God's desire to build a spiritual habitation in our lives and church. As we submit ourselves to Him as the Wise Master Builder, we are seeing Him construct a new direction and blueprint for our church. As "living stones" the Lord is chiseling and chipping away at us so that we will be perfectly fitted together! Don't forget ... you and I are "Human Habitat's" for His Spirit!

I had so many encouraging conversations with people before and after today's service who are being impacted by God's touch and presence in their lives! Our worship team continues to amaze me as they diligently prepare themselves each weekend to connect us all to God! Without a doubt they are reaching deeper within themselves to use their talents for the glory and honor of Him! I love their heart and passion! Seeing several new faces up on the stage is a welcome sight too! All of this reminds me that God is doing a new work in our midst! I hope that many others are sensing the Lord preparing us for a greater outpouring of His Spirit in the coming weeks!!

We highlighted the return to school days as we focused today's message on returning students and teachers. I was delighted to see so many of our outstanding SCA students and teachers present in the service. It's such a blast to see us all come together during special event's and services like today! We welcome our teachers back to their classrooms this coming week as they get prepared and organized for the start of a new school year! Soon the chatter and footsteps of several hundred children will fill the air and hallways of our campus! There is nothing like the excitement and energy that all these children possess!

Today was extra special for my wife, Shari and I, as we had not only our son Randall home visiting this past week, but he also brought home a very special someone named "Claire" who has danced into his heart and life. She hails from Denmark and attends a school in the NYC area! We also celebrated Shari's parents, Rillon and Shirley Anderson's, 49th wedding anniversary!! They are outstanding examples of devotion and faithfulness to us! It has been a very full and fulfilling weekend for us! I am looking forward to all that God has in store in the coming days!

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