Our second water baptism service of 2009 will take place on Sunday March 1st. A couple of individuals have approached me and asked to be baptised prior to my departure and so we are offering this opportunity to everyone! Consider taking the next step in your journey with Christ by publicly acknowledging your decision to follow Christ!
Our worship team will open with one of our favorite songs and then we're going to move right into our baptism service. Trust me. You don't want to miss the first five minutes of the service!
A class will be conducted on that day during the Sunday School hour to discuss the significance and meaning of baptism. Important information for certificates will be gathered and complete instructions will be shared with each participant. Please remember to bring with you towels and appropriate clothing to be baptised in. To sign up for this baptism you may choose to contact the church office 440-842-9600, drop us an email at secretary@bethel-temple.com or sign the registration list located at the information center in the main foyer.
I came across this the other day so I thought I'd share it...What's the one thing you could do right now that would transform this day for someone else? Who would you call? Who could you email? Who could you surprise? Who could you pray for? Whatever it is, do it right now.
1 comment:
I hope the service goes well, it'll be amazing I'm sure.
I'm proud to have taken that picture :]
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